openedon Sep 18, 2017
Attempting to execute the following batch script that runs an EF Core 2 migration against published code in a VSTS continuous delivery release (adapted from Ben Day's article located here:
`set EfMigrationsNamespace=%1
set EfMigrationsDllName=%2.dll
set EfMigrationsDllDepsJson=%2.deps.json
set DllDir=%cd%
set PathToNuGetPackages=%USERPROFILE%.nuget\packages
set NuGetFallbackFolder="C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder"
set PathToEfDll="C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.0.0\tools\netcoreapp2.0\ef.dll"
dotnet exec --depsfile .%EfMigrationsDllDepsJson% --additionalprobingpath %PathToNuGetPackages% --additionalprobingpath %NuGetFallbackFolder% %PathToEfDll% database update --assembly .%EfMigrationsDllName% --startup-assembly .%EfMigrationsDllName% --project-dir . --data-dir %DllDir% --verbose --root-namespace %EfMigrationsNamespace%`
This works locally, but fails in the hosted agent because it cannot find the location of %PathtoEfDll%. Where can I reliably locate the ef.dll on the hosted vs2017 build agent?