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Dotlin is a Kotlin to Dart compiler. The aim is to integrate Kotlin as a language into the Dart ecosystem, combining best of both worlds: The Kotlin language & standard library, and the Dart ecosystem & build system.

About Dotlin

Dotlin makes use of Kotlin's IR (Immediate Representation) compiler, and uses that to generate Dart source code.

Dotlin is still in development. You can track overall development on the project board.


  • Supports all Kotlin language features (WIP: #25)
  • Supports the Kotlin standard library (WIP)
  • Use any dependency written in Dart, without conversion or writing type definitions (WIP)
  • Integrates with Dart's build system (use pubspec.yaml to define dependencies)
  • Generates code that is still readable and pleasant to use for Dart consumers (WIP)

Differences from Kotlin

Dotlin is a dialect of Kotlin. Some changes have been made to better integrate into the Dart runtime, and also to remove some JVM-centric legacy traits.

Note that because of these changes, Dotlin code is not compatible with Kotlin/JVM, or other official Kotlin variants. Dotlin aims to intergrate the Kotlin language (and stdlib) into Dart, not the full Kotlin ecosystem.

No type erasure

Because of the Dart runtime, there is no type erasure. This means that you will never need to use reified in Dotlin.

For example, the following code, which would fail in Kotlin, works in Dotlin:

class MyClass<T>

fun test(arg: Any) {
    if (arg is MyClass<String>) {
        // Do something.

This would've been reported in Kotlin as:

⚠️ Cannot check for instance of erased type: MyClass<String>

Implicit interfaces & Mixins

In Dart, any class can be implemented as an interface. In Kotlin, you either have an interface or a class.

Since you can use any Dart library in Dotlin, you can also implement any Dart class as an interface or mixin, just like in Dart. The syntax for that is as follows:

class MyClass : TheirDartClass(Interface), AnotherDartClass(Interface)

This will compile to (leaving out irrelevant code for example's sake):

class MyClass implements TheirDartClass, AnotherDartClass {}

Even though TheirDartClass is a class in Dotlin (not an interface) you can implement it as an interface. When you implement a Dart class like this, it's implemented as a pure interface (like in Dart), meaning you have to implement the whole interface yourself.

The same can be done for mixins:

class MyClass : TheirDartClass(Mixin)
class MyClass with TheirDartClass {}

This only works if TheirDartClass can be used as a mixin, meaing it either is declared with the mixin keyword, or has no constructors and extends Object (Any). If a Dart class is not a valid mixin, the special mixin inheritance syntax is not available.

If you want to extend a Dart class, regular Kotlin syntax can be used.

The implicit interface/mixin syntax is only necessary for Dart libraries that don't have handwritten Dotlin declarations for them. If there are Dotlin declarations, regular Kotlin class/interface rules apply.


Kotlin has a very strict concept of const. Only a few primitives can be declared const, and only as top-level values or properties on objects. In Dart, on the other hand, it's possible to have const constructors for classes and collection literals, and have local const variables.

To facilitate this, const is also more lenient and Dart-like in Dotlin. This means that the following Dotlin code:

class MyClass const constructor(private val message: String)

const val myFirstClass = MyClass("First")

fun main() {
    const val mySecondClass = MyClass("Second")

Compiles to:

class MyClass {
  const MyClass(this._message);
  final String _message;

const MyClass myFirstClass = MyClass('First');

void main() {
  const MyClass mySecondClass = MyClass('Second');

You can use all Dart const features in Dotlin.

If you want to explicitly invoke a const constructor, you can use the following syntax:

@const MyClass("Something")

Note the @ before const. This is because @const is an annotation, not a keyword. The Kotlin compiler does not support keywords in front of expressions at the parser level.

The difference is easy to remember: with any declaration you must use const, and with any invocation you must use @const.

Note that as in Dart, @const is not necessary when it's implied, e.g. by assigning to a const val.


In Kotlin, lateinit is not applicable to properties with types that are primitive or nullable/have a nullable upper bound. In Dotlin, this is possible.

For example, the following code, which would fail in Kotlin, works in Dotlin:

class Example<T> {
    lateinit var myNullableVar: String?

    lateinit var myPrimitiveVar: Int

    lateinit var myGenericVar: T

Respectively, these declarations would've been reported in Kotlin with the following errors:

⚠️ 'lateinit' modifier is not allowed on properties of nullable types

⚠️ 'lateinit' modifier is not allowed on properties of primitive types

⚠️ 'lateinit' modifier is not allowed on properties of a type with nullable upper bound

But with Dotlin, this compiles to:

class Example<T> {
  late String? myNullableVar;

  late int myPrimitiveVar;

  late T myGenericVar;

Lateinit isInitialized outside class

In Kotlin, lateinit vars cannot be checked whether they're initialized from outside the containing class. For example, the following code:

class Example {
    lateinit var lateVar: String

fun main() {
    if (Example()::lateVar.isInitialized) {
        // Do something.

The call would've been reported as:

⚠️ Backing field of 'var lateVar: String' is not accessible at this point

However, in Dotlin, this compiles with no issues.


Kotlin primitives that are not used in Dart and would only complicate code have been removed, meaning that Byte, Short, Long, Float, and Char are not present. This is because Dotlin has the following mapping of built-ins:

Dart Kotlin
int Int
double Double
String String
bool Boolean
Object Any
Never Nothing

This also means that Int now refers to a 64-bit integer, instead of 32-bit as in Kotlin.


In Kotlin, any class that implements hasNext() and next() is considered an iterator. In Dotlin, this is not the case. Instead, it's more like Dart: A class is only an considered an iterator if it implements dart.core.Iterator. This means that the Dart Iterator API is used: instead of hasNext() and next(), moveNext() and current are used.

kotlin.collections.Iterator is not available. However, the kotlin.collections.Iterator subtypes are, changed to fit dart.core.Iterator: MutableIterator, BidirectionalIterator, ListIterator, and MutableListIterator.

Errors & Exceptions

In Kotlin, you can only throw Throwable or its subtypes. In Dotlin, this restriction is removed. As in Dart, you can throw anything except null.

throw "This works!"

To integrate better with the Dart runtime, and because Dart has better error/exception defintions, they are used instead of the JVM exception classes. This also means Throwable is not available, since it doesn't serve any use anymore.


In Kotlin, only annotation classes can be used as annotations. In Dart, classes with at least one const constructor or const top-level values can be used as annotations.

To facilitate, the same is possible in Dotlin. Classes and properties that can be used as annotation, have synthetic annotation class counter-parts generated in an annotations package, which can be used as annotations.

For example, if you have a Dart class in lib/markers.dart such as:

class Fragile {
    const Fragile();

It can be used in Dotlin like so:

import my.package.markers.annotations.Fragile

class Box

Normally, the Fragile class would be imported through my.package.markers.Fragile, but the annotation is in a special annotations sub-package. Note that if you want to use Fragile in a non-annotation context, you can stil use it as normal through my.package.markers.Fragile.


In Kotlin, declarations are imported through their FQN (fully-qualified name), while in Dart they're imported through URIs. In Dotlin, FQNs are generated based on a few factors.

For example, if you have a package named species published by, which has a file lib/mammals.dart where the class Human is declared, you can import Human as follows in Dotlin:

import com.example.species.mammals.Human

A lot of packages follow the convention of exporting their published API in a file with the same name of their package in lib/. For example, you'd import package:species/species.dart and use Human from there, because it's exported (or declared) in species.dart.

To import a package-level import, Dotlin removes the need of specifying the package name twice, thus you'd import it like so:

import com.example.species.Human

If a package does not have a verified publisher, the package host is used as a fallback (in most cases


If a package does not have a host (e.g. it's local or from git), it's prefixed with pkg:

import pkg.species.Human

In the future, you'll also be able to provide a groupId per dependency in pubspec.yaml, also for your own package.

Differences from Dart

Aside from the obvious differences between the Kotlin language and stdlib, Dotlin adds some Dart-specific enhancements. Also some other additions, because of differences between the Dart and Kotlin languages.

Const lambdas

In Dart, you cannot pass lambda literals (function expressions) as arguments to const constructors, only references to top-level or static named functions.

In Dart, the following code:

class Hobbit {
  const Hobbit(this._computeName);
  final String Function() _computeName;

void main() {
  const bilbo = Hobbit(() => "Bilbo Baggins");

Would throw the following error, because of the lambda literal argument:

⚠️ Arguments of a constant creation must be constant expressions.

Even though if you passed a reference of a named top-level/static function with the exact same body, it would work.

Dotlin does this for you, so the following code compiles:

class Hobbit const constructor(private val computeName: () -> String)

fun main() {
    const val bilbo = Hobbit { "Bilbo Baggins" }

And results in:

class Hobbit {
  const Hobbit(this._computeName);
  final String Function() _computeName;

void main() {
  const Hobbit bilbo = Hobbit(_$11f4);

String _$11f4() {
  return 'Bilbo Baggins';

As you can see, a named function is generated based on the lambda, and passed to the const constructor.

This is only possible if the lambda does not capture local or class closure values. You can use top-level/global values, however.

const inline

In Dotlin, you can create const inline functions, which can be used similarly to const constructors.

These functions must have a single return with a valid const expression, and otherwise only contain const variables.

An example:

class Hobbit const constructor(name: String, age: Int, isCurrentRingbearer: Boolean)

const inline fun bilboBaggings(): Hobbit {
  const val fullName = "Bilbo Baggings"

  return Hobbit(fullName, age = 111, isCurrentRingbearer = false)

fun main() {
  const val bilbo = bilboBaggings()

The bilboBaggings() call is inlined, meaning the called constructor is still const:

Hobbit bilboBaggings() {
  const String fullName = 'Bilbo Baggings';
  return Hobbit(fullName, 111, false);

void main() {
  const Hobbit bilbo = Hobbit('Bilbo Baggings', 111, false);

You can also use arguments in const inline functions:

class Hobbit const constructor(name: String, age: Int, isCurrentRingbearer: Boolean)

const inline fun baggings(firstName: String, age: Int): Hobbit {
  const val fullName = "$firstName Baggings"
  const val hasRing = firstName == "Frodo"

  return Hobbit(fullName, age, isCurrentRingbearer = hasRing)

fun main() {
  const val frodo = baggings("Frodo", age = 33)

Note that if you use arguments in const variables, they will be made non-const. This is because const inline functions can still be called as non-const. However, if called as const, arguments are also const inlined:

Hobbit baggings(String firstName, int age) {
  final String fullName = '${firstName} Baggings';
  final bool hasRing = firstName == 'Frodo';
  return Hobbit(fullName, age, hasRing);

void main() {
  const Hobbit frodo = Hobbit('Frodo Baggings', 33, 'Frodo' == 'Frodo');

Type literals

Kotlin does not have type literals like Dart does. To accomodate for this, Dotlin has a typeOf function, which compiles to a Dart type literal. For example, the following statement:

val myType = typeOf<String>()

Compiles to:

final myType = String;


Existing Dart collections have been dissected into different interfaces based on their mutability, just like in Kotlin.

However, List has been split into more interfaces, to represent all List kinds that exist in Dart runtime using types.


Dotlin's Iterable is mapped directly to Dart's Iterable. This means that unlike in Kotlin, Iterables are lazy.

The Iterable class is significantly larger because Dart's Iterable contains a lot of methods. However, they've been renamed to match Kotlin conventions, some examples:

Dart Kotlin
where filter
whereType filterIsInstance
expand flatMap
every all
skip drop

Collection is Iterable

Represents any type of collection of elements. It provides a common interface for List and `Set, which in Dart don't have a common interface.

Runtime type checks work: Lists and Sets are considered Collections at runtime.

MutableCollection is Collection

Represents any kind of mutable collection of elements. "Mutable" specifically means growable in Dart terms, meaning elements can be added and removed.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Lists and Sets are considered MutableCollections, only if they are actually mutable. Examples (Dart):

[1, 2, 3] is MutableCollection<int> == true
List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]) is MutableCollection<int> == false

These type checks don't work as Dart code as-is, but are compiled specially when writing a similar expression in Dotlin.

List is Collection

Dart: List

A read-only interface that represents any kind of Dart's Lists. Mutating methods can be accessed through subtypes.

ImmutableList is List

Dart: List.unmodifiable, const [..]

An immutable list. Same interface as List, but guaranteed to be immutable.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Lists are considered ImmutableLists, only if they are actually immutable. Examples (Dart):

const [1, 2, 3] is ImmutableList<int> == true
List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]) is ImmutableList<int> == true
[1, 2, 3] is ImmutableList<int> == false
WriteableList is List

Dart: List (growable: true|false)

An interface that supports changing elements (list[0] = "abc"), but not adding or removing elements. This interface represents both FixedSizeLists and MutableLists, since they are both writeable.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Lists are considered WriteableLists, only if they are actually writeable. Examples (Dart):

[1, 2, 3] is WriteableList<int> == true
List.of([1, 2, 3], growable: false) is WriteableList<int> == true
List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]) is WriteableList<int> == false
FixedSizeList (Array) is WriteableList

Dart: List (growable: false)

An interface that represents writeable fixed-length Dart Lists, also known as arrays. Elements can be changed (array[0] = "abc"), but not be added or removed. Any other operation that would change the size of the list is also not possible.

The difference between this interface and WriteableList is that WriteableList represents any list whose elements can be changed, which also includes MutableLists.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Lists are considered FixedSizeLists, only if they are actually writeable. Examples (Dart):

List.of([1, 2, 3], growable: false) is FixedSizeList<int> == true
[1, 2, 3] is FixedSizeList<int> == false
List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]) is FixedSizeList<int> == false
MutableList is WriteableList, MutableCollection

Dart: List (growable: true)

An interface that represents growable Dart Lists. Elements can be changed, added and removed.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Lists are considered MutableLists, only if they are actually mutable (writeable & growable). Examples (Dart):

[1, 2, 3] is MutableList<int> == true
List.of([1, 2, 3], growable: false) is MutableList<int> == false
List.unmodifiable([1, 2, 3]) is MutableList<int> == false

Set is Collection

Dart: Set

A read-only interface that represents any kind of Dart's Sets. Mutating methods can be accessed through MutableSet.

ImmutablSet is Set

Dart: Set.unmodifiable, const {..}

An immutable set. Same interface as Set, but guaranteed to be immutable.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Sets are considered ImmutableSets, only if they are actually immutable. Examples (Dart):

const {1, 2, 3} is ImmutableSet<int> == true
Set.unmodifiable({1, 2, 3}) is ImmutableSet<int> == true
{1, 2, 3} is ImmutableSet<int> == false
MutableSet is Set, MutableCollection

Dart: Set ({..})

An interface that represents growable Dart Sets. Elements can be changed, added and removed.

Runtime type checks work: Dart Sets are considered MutableSets, only if they are actually mutable. Examples (Dart):

{1, 2, 3} is MutableSet<int> == true
Set.unmodifiable({1, 2, 3}) is MutableSet<int> == false


Dotlin, at this point in time, should not be used for any production projects. If you want to try it out, clone the repo and you can then build it with

./gradlew build distZip

Then you can find Dotlin in build/distributions/dotlin-<version>.zip.

In there, there's a bin/dotlin executable you can try out.


Since the project is at an early stage, a lot is still changing and therefore — for now — code contributions are not encouraged. However, in the future when Dotlin is in a more stable state, this will definitely change.

When code contributions are encouraged, you are required to sign off all of your commits:

My commit message

Signed-off-by: Jan Jansen <>

By contributing and signing off your commits, you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO), which you can read here.

For now however, it is encouraged to try Dotlin out, and if you notice anything odd, or want to request a feature/improvement, to create an issue.


Dotlin itself is licensed under the AGPL.

Note that this does not apply to code generated by Dotlin. Code generated by Dotlin can be used in projects of any license.

All libraries used by consumers (e.g. the Kotlin standard library implementation, the Dart core Kotlin definitions) are licensed under the Apache 2.0.

The Dotlin logo (docs/assets/dotlin.png) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.


Dotlin is not associated with JetBrains or the Kotlin Foundation.