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Jesper Nielsen edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to Windows gecko wiki!

This is the Wiki for the Windows gecko repository.

Geckos are small, mostly carnivorous lizards that have a wide distribution, found on every continent except Antarctica. Geckoes are small in size, can adapt to the surroundings and communicating using clicking sounds in their social interactions.

Geckos are small, adapts to the surroundings and have excellent night vision.

Windows gecko is exactly that, a multifunctional script, small in size, designed to adapt to multiple Windows management environments and using "clicking sounds" to ensure every steps is checked and recorded.

The mindset of the solution will aim to allow to limit and/or combine the functionalities best suited for the task, meaning if Windows feature configuration were to be applied, this should be achievable without the Windows Registry configuration. Also, very important, is to be able to apply Windows baselines configuration in one or multiple packages in either system or user context, without changing the code – which is why all configurations is achievable using configuration files (json). This will help ensure minimal effort to create a new Windows desired state configuration, being easily completed without any code changes or re-signing the provided code.

Current features

  • WindowsApps: Remove Windows In-box Apps and Store Apps.
  • WindowsFeatures
    • Enable and/or disable Windows features.
    • Enable and/or disable Windows optional features.
  • WindowsGroups: Add accounts to local groups (Coming soon).
  • WindowsFiles: Copy file(s) to device from payload package.
  • WindowsRegistry: Modifying Windows registry entries (add, change and remove).
  • WindowsRun: Run local executables and/or download and run executables.
  • WindowsServices: Configure/re-configure Windows Services.
  • WindowsTCR: Windows Time zone, Culture and Regional settings manager (Preview).


Windows gecko is developed and tested for Windows 10 21H2 Pro and Enterprise 64-bit and newer and require PowerShell 5.1.

NOTE: Applying Windows desired state configuration, Windows gecko should be configured to run in either SYSTEM or USER context. Applying device Baseline in SYSTEM context, will be required to run with local administrative rights (Local administrator or System). Combining device Baseline across SYSTEM and USER is highly unadvisable and might cause undesired results.


The goal of Windows gecko is to provide a consistent desired state configuration to end user devices in Windows Autopilot scenarios.

Windows gecko can easily be implemented using more traditionally deployment methods, e.g., Operating System Deployment (OSD), Task Sequences deployment or similar methods utilized.