iOS Slide Menu built on top of UINavigationController.
- Righ Menu
- Left Menu
- Configurable Buttons
- Allows Enable/Disable menu by implmenting delegate methods
- Tap/Swipe gesture recognizer to Open/Close the Menus
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
LeftMenuViewController *leftMenu = [[LeftMenuViewController alloc] init];
RightMenuViewController *righMenu = [[RightMenuViewController alloc] init];
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].righMenu = rightMenu;
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].leftMenu = leftMenu;
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return YES;
Let's say a menu item was selected
SomeViewController *vc = [[SomeViewController alloc] init];
[[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance] switchToViewController:vc withCompletion:nil];
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <SlideNavigationControllerDelegate>
@implementation MyViewController
- (BOOL)slideNavigationControllerShouldDisplayLeftMenu
return YES;
- (BOOL)slideNavigationControllerShouldDisplayRightMenu
return YES;
Menu offset can be configured for both portrait and landscape mode
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].landscapeSlideOffset = 400;
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].portraitSlideOffset = 60;
There are three types of animations that can be applied when revealing the menu
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].menuRevealAnimation = MenuRevealAnimationSlideAndFade;
The opacity applied during a fade animation can be configured using a property on SlideNavigationController called menuRevealAnimationFadeMaximumAlpha. This value can be anywhere between 0 and 1, and it represents the darkes a menu can become. The color of fade layer can also be configured using the property called menuRevealAnimationFadeColor
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].menuRevealAnimationFadeColor = [UIColor greenColor];
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].menuRevealAnimationFadeMaximumAlpha = .5;
The movement of menu during a slide animation can also be configured
[SlideNavigationController sharedInstance].menuRevealAnimationSlideMovement = 50;