Web search of the people, by the people, for the people with Go.
doogle is a Proof of Concept software of decentralized search engine based on gRPC written in Go.
This is just a PoC, and so I am not serious about making doogle secure, scalable, usable in production, etc.
Baumgart, Ingmar, and Sebastian Mies. "S/kademlia: A practicable approach towards secure key-based routing." Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2007 International Conference on. IEEE, 2007.
Parreira, Josiane Xavier, et al. "Efficient and decentralized pagerank approximation in a peer-to-peer web search network." Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases. VLDB Endowment, 2006.
❯ go get -u -d github.com/mathetake/doogle
❯ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/mathetake/doogle
❯ go build .
❯ go test -v -race ./...
❯ ./doogle --help
Usage of ./doogle:
-c int
crawler's channel capacity
-d int
difficulty for cryptographic puzzle
-p string
port for node
-w int
number of crawler's worker
❯ ./doogle -c 4 -d 1 -p :12312 -w 4
INFO[0000] node created: doogleAddress=ad97676370397f6eb23dc165a34bf74a9c11d243
INFO[0000] crawler is ready
INFO[0000] node listen on port: :12312, num of crawler's worker: 0
INFO[0000] difficulty: 1, crawler's queue capacity: 4
You can connect to the node with, for example, grpcc:
❯ grpcc --proto grpc/doogle.proto --address localhost:12312 --insecure
Connecting to doogle.Doogle on localhost:12312. Available globals:
client - the client connection to Doogle
storeItem (StoreItemRequest, callback) returns Empty
findIndex (FindIndexRequest, callback) returns FindIndexReply
findNode (FindNodeRequest, callback) returns NodeInfos
pingWithCertificate (NodeCertificate, callback) returns NodeCertificate
ping (StringMessage, callback) returns StringMessage
pingTo (NodeInfo, callback) returns StringMessage
getIndex (StringMessage, callback) returns GetIndexReply
postUrl (StringMessage, callback) returns StringMessage
printReply - function to easily print a unary call reply (alias: pr)
streamReply - function to easily print stream call replies (alias: sr)
createMetadata - convert JS objects into grpc metadata instances (alias: cm)
printMetadata - function to easily print a unary call's metadata (alias: pm)
and then call Ping
Doogle@localhost:12312> client.ping({ message: 'ping' }, printReply)
EventEmitter {}
"message": "pong"
docker run -p 12312:8080 -it doogle bash -c "./doogle -d 2 -p :8080"
install protc, then run:
protoc -I grpc/ grpc/doogle.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:grpc
see my survey: Towards decentralized information retrieval: research papers
Also there are two articles in Japanese: