DDC-3652: Problem with joins between entities without associations #4481
Jira issue originally created by user evaldez:
I needed to write a DQL query that selects an entity that is not specified in the FROM part. For that I am using joins between entities without associations. But I found a problem. Let me explain it with the following example:
Here the query I wrote
FROM Label l
JOIN l.product_labels pl
JOIN pl.product p
JOIN creams.c WITH c.product = p
WHERE c.type = 'general_cleaners'
AND l.name = "Eye cleaners"
This is translated to SQL as:
l0_.id AS id0,
l0_.name AS name1,
label l0_
INNER JOIN product*label p1_ ON l0_.id = p1_.label*id
INNER JOIN product p2* ON p1_.product_id = p2*.id
INNER JOIN creams c3_
AND (c3*.product = p2*.id) <---- this should be in the WHERE part!
c3*.type = 'general*cleaners'
AND l0_.name "Eye cleaners"
What happens is that the query gets all the products with the label "Eye cleaners" and the creams having that belong to those products. But it never filters out the products that have no cream association.
To go around the problem I added the condition
AND c.product = p.id
in the WHERE clause in the DQL query
After searching for the issue I found something related but no the same. So i decided to put my findings under your consideration.
Thanks a lot