it seems the schema:update is broken using MariaDB 10.2.8, i am currently unable to validate the database schema since a few days, every time I run doctrine:schema:update --force
i get a Database schema updated successfully message but if I chain with a doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
there are still changes (it loops).
I could reproduce this on two symfony projects using:
doctrine/orm v2.5.11 Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP
symfony/symfony v3.3.9 The Symfony PHP framework
doctrine/orm v2.5.10 Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP
symfony/symfony v2.8.27 The Symfony PHP framework
Both using
doctrine/annotations v1.4.0 Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache v1.6.2 Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/dbal v2.5.13 Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/doctrine-bundle 1.6.8 Symfony DoctrineBundle
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle 1.3.0 Symfony Bundle for Doctrine Cache
doctrine/lexer v1.0.1 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
And here are some outputs of what happen with a single user entity:
18:12 $ sf doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql --force
ALTER TABLE user CHANGE salt salt VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE last_login last_login DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE confirmation_token confirmation_token VARCHAR(180) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE password_requested_at password_requested_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE firstname firstname VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE lastname lastname VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL;
Updating database schema...
Database schema updated successfully! "1" query was executed
✔ ~/bboutarel/symfony [clean|●1✚ 1…1]
18:12 $ sf doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql --force
ALTER TABLE user CHANGE salt salt VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE last_login last_login DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE confirmation_token confirmation_token VARCHAR(180) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE password_requested_at password_requested_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE firstname firstname VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE lastname lastname VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL;
Updating database schema...
Database schema updated successfully! "1" query was executed
Using MariaDB 10.2.8
18:14 $ mysql -v
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 30
Server version: 10.2.8-MariaDB Homebrew
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