$ docker buildx version v0.14.1-desktop.1 5a0555e6c99a65811f4409bce8460a8fb89474f1
$ docker buildx
Extended build capabilities with BuildKit
Usage: docker buildx [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Extended build capabilities with BuildKit
--builder string Override the configured builder instance
Management Commands:
imagetools Commands to work on images in registry
bake Build from a file
build Start a build
create Create a new builder instance
dial-stdio Proxy current stdio streams to builder instance
du Disk usage
inspect Inspect current builder instance
ls List builder instances
prune Remove build cache
rm Remove one or more builder instances
stop Stop builder instance
use Set the current builder instance
version Show buildx version information
Run 'docker buildx COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
Experimental commands and flags are hidden. Set BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1 to show them.
This first line Extended build capabilities with BuildKit
should not be there.
Don't repro in standalone mode:
$ ./buildx-v0.14.1.linux-amd64
Extended build capabilities with BuildKit
./buildx-v0.14.1.linux-amd64 [command]
Available Commands:
bake Build from a file
build Start a build
create Create a new builder instance
dial-stdio Proxy current stdio streams to builder instance
du Disk usage
help Help about any command
imagetools Commands to work on images in registry
inspect Inspect current builder instance
ls List builder instances
prune Remove build cache
rm Remove one or more builder instances
stop Stop builder instance
use Set the current builder instance
version Show buildx version information
--builder string Override the configured builder instance
-h, --help help for ./buildx-v0.14.1.linux-amd64
Use "./buildx-v0.14.1.linux-amd64 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Experimental commands and flags are hidden. Set BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1 to show them.