Human readable reusable indexing notation for tensor operations.
The relics of the past - fortran-like numpy and its derivatives equipped with autodiff (pytorch, tensorflow, etc) - will be inevitably replaced by a better and more expressive notation for tensor operations.
Named axes finally bring reusability and readability into the code.
- axis reduction
- axis renaming
- automatic expansion (matching)
- elementwise operations
- inner product, outer product, Kronecker product
- tensor split/merge
- basic operators
- numpy-like named slices
- generic functions
- flexible filter to split tensors
- more elementwise operations
- pytorch wrapper
Example of a reusable covariance function:
def covar(a, b, along):
a = a - a.reduce(mean, along)
b = b - b.reduce(mean, along)
return (a * b).reduce(sum, along) / a.shape()[along]
a = Named(np.reshape(np.random.uniform(size=5*3), [5, 3]), ("t", "a"))
b = Named(np.reshape(np.random.uniform(size=5*4), [5, 4]), ("t", "b"))
print(covar(a, b, along="t"))