Build a priority graph for PHP-CS-Fixer's fixers.
PHP-CS-Fixer has rules, implemented as fixers. Those fixers (can) have a priority, to determine which fixer has to run before or after certain other fixers. Each defined priority-relation is shown here, as
( rule_alpha (priority) )--->( rule_beta (priority) )--->( rule_gamma (priority) )
meaning that rule alpha has to run before rule beta which in turn has to run before rule gamma, which is enforced by the fact that alpha's priority is bigger than beta's which in turn is bigger than gamma's.
First make sure to have the latest PHP-CS-Fixer master, and then run the script. As single command:
composer update && php fixer-prio-graph.php
The script will open the newly created graph in the image viewer defined by your OS.
Just git clone
the repo.
It depends on Graphviz to generate the image, for installation see their download page.
(Hint for mac: brew install graphviz
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Dave van der Brugge