fastify with typescript
- local development setup
- prettier and lint with editor integration
- integration with a database
- debugging (launch configurations for vscode for app and jest tests)
- deployment
- error logging
Used to create a schema for configuration and verify it at run time
Used to copy non typescript file into the dist dirctory during build
Restarts on file changes but re-uses compiled files as it can
Used to convert the json schemas used by fastify for request/response typing into typescript typings.
- example provided in user service
- json-schema-to-typescript
Jest interactive test runner. Should install globally
Golang tool for database migrations (updates the schema dump in db directory)
- .env file contains the default connection string
- dbmate docs and installation
dbmate # print help
dbmate new # generate a new migration file
dbmate up # create the database (if it does not already exist) and run any pending migrations
dbmate create # create the database
dbmate drop # drop the database
dbmate migrate # run any pending migrations
dbmate rollback # roll back the most recent migration
dbmate down # alias for rollback
dbmate status # show the status of all migrations (supports --exit-code and --quiet)
dbmate dump # write the database schema.sql file
dbmate wait # wait for the database server to become available
npm run db:dev:start # bring up a docker image for postgres development server (see services README)
npm run db:dev:stop # bring down the docker image for postgres development server (see services README)
npm run db:dev:clean # starts a fresh dev postgres docker image and creates an empty database in it (follow with dbmate up to get full schema)
npm run db:test:clean # starts a fresh test postgres docker image and creates an empty database and then uses schema.sql to create prisma db setup
npx prisma migrate save --experimental
npx prisma migrate up --experimental
npx prisma generate