Application dmirou/tribonaccirest
implements Restful Api for calculating tribonacci numbers using an matrix exponentiation.
- To build new image use
docker build --rm -f <path/to>/tribonaccirest/Dockerfile -t tribonaccirest:latest <path/to>/tribonaccirest
- To run created image
docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 --name tribonaccirest tribonaccirest:latest
- Now you can send request to
, where {n} is positive integer and receive the response.
For example, if your domain is "localhost", you run command
curl http://localhost:8080/tribonacci/5
the response will be
- The source number "n" must be a positive integer.
- Max calculation time of one tribonacci number is 4 seconds (4000 ms). If the calculation is more than 4 seconds you receive the result with code 460 and empty data. You can change max calculation time by changing the constant