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Project20: port CI w Jenkins Sonarqube but use docker hub. Containerize vprofile app on Jenkins pipeline: Build;unit test,;integ ;sonar test;QG; docker build/deploy to hub; kops EC2 instance as Jenkins slave NODE to deploy full stack and docker image vprofile app from docker hub to the kops k8s cluster.Helm full stack deployed:rabbitmq,db;memcach
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# Overview: Project20: port CI w Jenkins Sonarqube but use docker hub. Containerize vprofile app on Jenkins pipeline: Build;unit test,;integ ;sonar test;QG; docker build/deploy to hub; kops EC2 instance as Jenkins slave NODE to deploy full stack and docker image vprofile app from docker hub to the kops k8s cluster.Helm full stack deployed:rabbitmq,db;memcached and the application itself running on tomcat pod. Most of the Jenkinsfile will be executed on the Jenkins server. Since the docker image needs to be built from source code, docker engine has to be installed onto Jenkins server The last stage will be run on the kops-project14-EC2 instance that has kubectl, kops, and helm installed. This EC2 instance will provision the helm template files onto the kops cluster as noted above. The kops-project14-EC2 instance has aws cli configured and the aws configuration is with an Admin AWS user. This is using AWS2 account Provision this on us-east-1 # Basic staging flow for bringing up the CICD setup with kops, Jenkins, Sonarqube, Helm with docker container for the application (full stack implemented with backend server containers): ## Bring up the kops cluster from the kops-project14-EC2 instance (jenkins agent/slave node) Name: kops-project14.**************.com S3: vprofile-kops-s3-state-project14 Create config cluster: kops create cluster --name=kops-project14.******************.com \ --state=s3://vprofile-kops-s3-state-project14 --zones=us-east-1a,us-east-1b \ --node-count=2 --node-size=t3.small --master-size=t3.medium --dns-zone=kops-project14.************.com \ --node-volume-size=8 --master-volume-size=8 --ssh-public-key=~/.ssh/kops-key-project14.pub Deploy cluster: kops update cluster --name=kops-project14.*****************.com --state=s3://vprofile-kops-s3-state-project14 --yes --admin $ kops validate cluster --state=s3://vprofile-kops-s3-state-project14 Using cluster from kubectl context: kops-project14.******************.com Validating cluster kops-project14.**********************.com INSTANCE GROUPS NAME ROLE MACHINETYPE MIN MAX SUBNETS control-plane-us-east-1a ControlPlane t3.medium 1 1 us-east-1a nodes-us-east-1a Node t3.small 1 1 us-east-1a nodes-us-east-1b Node t3.small 1 1 us-east-1b NODE STATUS NAME ROLE READY i-06900f5ecacbc4430 node True i-0c2e6341778830d30 control-plane True i-0e4c27dff6605359a node True ssh -i ~/.ssh/kops-key-project14 ubuntu@api.kops-project14.***************.com Delete cluster: kops delete cluster --name= kops-project14.*********************.com --state=s3://vprofile-kops-s3-state-project14 --yes ## Test the helm chart deployment with namespace test kubectl create namespace test From the local git repository on the kops-project14-EC2 instance (do a git pull from remote github repo for latest source code) run the following command to deploy the helm template files form db, memcached, rabbitmq, the vprofile app on tomcat The docker image is a test image for now. For production this will be built and uploaded to my own docker hub repository in vproappdep.yml use the dynamic image image: {{ .Values.appimage}} so that helm can pick up the latest docker image from the repository In production, appimage will be defined as my latest build docker image on my repository (dynamic). For now we are using a test image. $ helm install --namespace test vprofile-stack helm/vprofilecharts --set appimage=imranvisualpath/vproappdock:9 $ kubectl get secret -n test NAME TYPE DATA AGE app-secret Opaque 2 18m sh.helm.release.v1.vprofile-stack.v1 helm.sh/release.v1 1 18m helm delete vprofile-stack --namespace test ## Full stack for the application is deployed below on the kops cluster helm list --namespace prod $ kubectl get all --namespace test NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/vproapp-7595664b84-plwmr 1/1 Running 0 41s pod/vprodb-849f57645b-tmh24 1/1 Running 0 41s pod/vprofile-stack-vprofilecharts-5f48d5d59c-g5kht 1/1 Running 0 41s pod/vpromc-5c65464866-scmsr 1/1 Running 0 41s pod/vpromq01-69b8ff77dc-tnfpk 1/1 Running 0 41s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/vproapp-service LoadBalancer afbba37dba31240e8b9827de54c23f43-1689472808.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com 80:31939/TCP 41s service/vprocache01 ClusterIP <none> 11211/TCP 41s service/vprodb ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 41s service/vprofile-stack-vprofilecharts ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 41s service/vpromq01 ClusterIP <none> 5672/TCP 41s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/vproapp 1/1 1 1 41s deployment.apps/vprodb 1/1 1 1 41s deployment.apps/vprofile-stack-vprofilecharts 1/1 1 1 41s deployment.apps/vpromc 1/1 1 1 41s deployment.apps/vpromq01 1/1 1 1 41s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/vproapp-7595664b84 1 1 1 41s replicaset.apps/vprodb-849f57645b 1 1 1 41s replicaset.apps/vprofile-stack-vprofilecharts-5f48d5d59c 1 1 1 41s replicaset.apps/vpromc-5c65464866 1 1 1 41s replicaset.apps/vpromq01-69b8ff77dc 1 1 1 41s ## remove the stack and proceed with production setup below helm delete vprofile-stack --namespace test ## Other commands kubctl get pods --namespace prod To verify the vprofile app version do: kubectl describe pod vproapp-7595664b84-plwmr --namepace prod To get the loadbalancer frontend URL: kubectl get service -namespace prod # Production: ## Configure the kops-project14-EC2 instance as a slave node to the Jenkins server. Use SSH as the connection protocol. Install OpenJDK 11 on the kops node. Create a /opt/jenkins-slave directory. This will have the agent and workspace from jenkins on it Ubuntu user needs to own this directory. Jenkins will use ubuntu user to run the stage kops-project14-EC2 security group needs to be able to have inbound access from Jenkins (SSH), user ubunu Manage Jenkins ---> Node and add the node along with the SSH private key to the EC2 instance. Label and name is "KOPS" and must be used in the stage in the Jenkinsfile. See below Only use the agent for the stage explicitly specify it as agent Disable Host verification on the SSH for now. Test the connection from Jenkins. Launch the agent and it should come up. ## Prepare the Jenkinsfile. Stages for CI are BUILD, UNIT TEST, INTEGRATION TEST, CODE ANALYSIS WITH CHECKSTYLE, CODE ANALYSIS with SONARQUBE, and if Quality Gate (AG) passes: DOCKER BUILD for the application artifact (.war in docker image), Deploy and upload to docker hub. CD deploy to the kops cluster with helm from the slave node kops-project14-EC2 jenkins node similar to the example above but with the real docker image artifact build. At this point selenium can be used to browser test the frontend and backend on a browser. (Selenium is not implemented yet). Messaging is to slack. Any failed build will cause the process to start again with developers fixing and rechecking in the code from the start of the CI pipeline.(re-triggering the pipeline) Jenkins and sonarqube server need access to each other in security groups. Jenkins needs access to the slave node kops-project14-EC2 instance security group. The registry will be defined in the Jenkinsfile (my docker hub account and the name of the image) registryCredential is stored as secret on Jenkins has the password to my docker hub account appimage will be set by the helm command based upon the docker image created in earlier stages (registry and BUILD_NUMBER will serve as the tag on the image for the lastest build that has passed testing) ## create a prod namespace: kubectl create namespace prod ## create the pipeline on Jenkins with trigger from this repository which is on github. ## As noted above messaging is via a slack channel. Any failure will cause a notification and the pipeline will have to be restarted with another check in from development to fix the code. ## The Jenkinsfile last stage is the helm command below executed from the root of the repository that has the src and helm directories. KOPS is the name and label configured for the slave node on Jenkins server for the kops-project14-EC2 instance that is executing the stage below. stage('Kubernetes Deploy') { agent { label 'KOPS' } steps { sh "helm upgrade --install --force vprofile-stack helm/vprofilecharts --set appimage=${registry}:${BUILD_NUMBER} --namespace prod" } } ## To automate things further I added the kubectl create namespace prod to the Jenkinsfile itself. This code below will ensure that the namespace will be present prior to running the helm command above, regardless if the namespace is there already (from previous run), or if it is not there (first run) The try-catch block will add the namespace if not present (no error thrown), or if the namespace is there the error message will print out in Jenkins logs but the script will not abort. This is in lieu of using kubectl create namespace prod || exit 0 so that the exact error can be seen in the logs.... script { try { sh "kubectl create namespace prod" } catch (e) { echo "An error occurred: ${e}" } } sh "helm upgrade --install --force vprofile-stack helm/vprofilecharts --set appimage=${registry}:${BUILD_NUMBER} --namespace prod" ## For sonarqube, I created a new project on the sonarqube server. The projectKey and projectName are the only chnages in the Jenkinsfile script. sonarserver and sonarscanner are the same on Jenkins server configuration as well as the jenkinstosonar token. NOTE: for QG (QualityGate) status create a webhook on the sonarqube server for sonartojenkins communication so that sonarqube server can update Jenkins with QG results. environment { scannerHome = tool 'sonarscanner' } steps { withSonarQubeEnv('sonarserver') { sh '''${scannerHome}/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=sonar-project20 \ -Dsonar.projectName=vprofile-repo-project20 \ -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 \ -Dsonar.sources=src/ \ -Dsonar.java.binaries=target/test-classes/com/visualpathit/account/controllerTest/ \ -Dsonar.junit.reportsPath=target/surefire-reports/ \ -Dsonar.jacoco.reportsPath=target/jacoco.exec \ -Dsonar.java.checkstyle.reportPaths=target/checkstyle-result.xml''' } # For code administration and source control in general edit the code on VSCode locally on mac, push to remote repository and then pull the code to the slave node kops-project14-EC2 node so that the last stage can be executed on the node. ## NOTE: the kops-project14-EC2 node actually will fetch the code each time the pipeline runs and put it in the opt/jenkins-slave/workspace directory. So the pull into the /home/ubuntu directory is not necessary. To fetch the code SSH host verification on the node configuration in Jenkins should be none. Also I found that the global Security Jenkins setting had to be set at SSH host verification none for this pipeline to work. Otherwise there were failures in getting the source code from github repo. # Gitlab to Jenkins project20 extension: On the VPS devops ecosystem, configure the gitlab relay to Jenkins to run this project. This involves configuring either a webhook or Jenkins integration on the dummy gitlab project On Jenkins a token needs to be generated for the jenkins to gitlab connection used in the project/pipeline and this needs to be put in the Gitlab webhook configuration above for the gitlab dummy project for gitlab to jenkins communication. Test the gitlab webhook from gitlab. In Jenkins project select pipeline script from SCM and configure the SCM to point to the gitlab repository/docker container instance on the VPS. Note the jenkins server has to be added to the VPS traefik whitelist so that jenkins traffic can be accepted into the VPS and routed to the gitlab docker container on the VPS The SCM configuration requires special configuration with ssh to the gitlab repo via git because VPS uses nonstandard SSH port. The git URL syntax is the following: ssh://git@gitlab.linode.cloudnetworktesting.com:*****/dmastrop/gitlab_to_jenkins_vprofile_project20c.git Configure the SSH private VPS key as a credential on jenkins so that it can be used in the SCM configuration above Use */main as branch specifier for now and Jenkinsfile.gitlabotjenkins jenkinsfile in the repository for the pipeline code for this gitlab to jenkins. This jenkinsfile differs a bit from the Jenkinsfile used with a direct github to Jenkins project20, except there is some extra code to relay the Jenkins pipeline result back to Gitlab dummy pipelie on the Gitlab web console. Configure pipeline to trigger with any push,etc.... to gitlab. In Manage jenkins under Gitlab section configure the Jenkins to gitlab connection used in the above jenkins pipeline. This uses a token generated on gitlab with Maintainer role and scope api. The token is used to create a credential on Jenkins and that credential is used for the jenkins to gitlab connection. Test the connection to ensure that it works. The "Enable authentication for '/project' end-point" can be checked off because the webhook on gitlab has the token that was generated above on jenkins. So basically bi-directional tokens are used for bidirectional webhook gitlab to jenkins and connection: jenkins to gitlab connectivity. NOTE: the jenkins to gitlab connection is not used to pull the code. The SCM configuration above on Jenkins is used to pull the code via SSH git as noted above. For project 18 gitlab to jenkins extension (see other repo) try using Gitlab integration instead of a gitlab hook for the gitlab to jenkins communication. The rest of the configuration should be the same as that used here. The project20 Jenkinsfile and Jenkinsfile.gitlabtojenkins script was significantly updated to incorporate the kops bringup of the cluster, if it is not already up. If it is up, then the kops update cluster will not be re-run to save time. The logic is to check the status of the kubernetes kops cluster by running the kops create cluster command. Using several try and catch(error) structures, if the command errors out that means that the cluster is already up and helm can be re-deployed with latest source code. Then since the state is in a catch error block, set the build to SUCCESS and return so that the current stage is exited with success and the next stage can be executed. Otherwise the pipeline will abort. The code to do this is in the catch error block: currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' return If the command kops create cluster does not error out the script proceeds to the next try and catch block to do the kops update cluster and bring up the kops cluster. After that the helm is deployed and then the state proceeds to the next stage. ## The code block for this logic can be found in the Jenkinsfile.gitlabtojenkins file in the following stage: //Try to automate the kops setup by putting in a large delay in the shell script after each command. Otherwise //write code for the kops validate cluster command and parse out if up or not stage('Kops setup and helm kubernetes deployment') { ....... ## Prerequisites - JDK 1.8 or later - Maven 3 or later - MySQL 5.6 or later ## Technologies - Spring MVC - Spring Security - Spring Data JPA - Maven - JSP - MySQL ## Database Here,we used Mysql DB MSQL DB Installation Steps for Linux ubuntu 14.04: - $ sudo apt-get update - $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server Then look for the file : - /src/main/resources/accountsdb - accountsdb.sql file is a mysql dump file.we have to import this dump to mysql db server - > mysql -u <user_name> -p accounts < accountsdb.sql
Project20: port CI w Jenkins Sonarqube but use docker hub. Containerize vprofile app on Jenkins pipeline: Build;unit test,;integ ;sonar test;QG; docker build/deploy to hub; kops EC2 instance as Jenkins slave NODE to deploy full stack and docker image vprofile app from docker hub to the kops k8s cluster.Helm full stack deployed:rabbitmq,db;memcach
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