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Project18: start on ci-jenkins branch, clone of project8 and adding on ansible software artifact staging & prod deployment of artifact to staging & then prod tomcat server for QA testing and then deployment. Ansible will deploy just frontend stack for now. cd-ansible-project18 is staging app server. cd-ansible-prod-project18 is prod app server.
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# Deploying artifact to staging app server app01-staging-project18 The addition to the CI pipeline consists of CD to staging servers. This branch is for ansible deployment to the app01 staging server. The branch is cd-ansible-project18. For ansible, first the templates. There are 4 templates for various versions of RHEL/CentOS and ubuntu depending on version. The templates are *.js files, scripts for setting up tomcat on the server. For this project I am using ubuntu20. This is done through the tomcat_setup.yml Once tomcat is started on staging application server the next step is to deploy the artifact from the CI pipeline (see ci-jenkins branch). Ansible requires several variables to construct the proper URL to get the latest version on the vprofile-release nexus repository. Ansible deploys the artifact to the tomcat server. This is done through vpro-app-setup.yml playbook This project19 is only implementing the front end of the vprofile stack onto the staging app server. The rest of the stack will be deployed onto the infra in a later project (using ansbile as well) The staging app server will be used by the QA team for system, integration, scale, stress, performance, soak and functional testing of the application Once QA approves the next CD stage to production app server can be done (this is the cd-ansible-prod-project18 branch) changes in the source code during iterative CI and staging server testing can all be merged into the production branch but the production branch does not build, it just deploys to the prod app server. The staging branch cd-ansible-project18 is where the code commits should be done because that is where the build artifact is created. NOTE: the version of the artifact deployed to the staging app server will be whatever latest version is on the repo in Nexus from the CI pipeline. NOTE: the route53 hosted zone A records for routing to the applicatoin servers (staging and production) are private and have the private addresses in them, so there is no need to update them between app server reboots as private IPs do not change on EC2. # Deployment to the app01-prod-project18 app server for production deployment This is the cd-ansible-prod-project18 branch. The jenkinfile is stripped down and primarily just does a deployment to the production app server. This assumes that QA has passed the build. The source code is built from the cd-ansible-project18 staging server branch and not this cd-ansible-prod-project18 production branch. The jenkinsfile in this production branch uses ansible to deploy the artifact from the staging pipeline to the production app server (another EC2 instance) The key difference between this third pipeline on the jenkins server and the second pipeline is that this third pipeline has "Build with parameters" in the jenksins file. This is a stage for the user to input the artifact from the staging pipeline that has been approved by QA into the deployment pipeline so that it can be deployed to the production app server. The env vars are BUILD and TIME and are mapped into the .war file labeling For example, the current nexus artifact build from the staging CD pipeline is 10-24-04-24_0147, i.e. BUILD 10 and TIME 24-04-24_0147 The production pipeline is parameterized so these values need to be inputted and then the pipeline run to put the artifact into production (running on the prodcution app server). The deployment uses ansible again. The staging.inventory in the staging CD uses route53 internal hostname app01staging.vprofile.project18 to instruct ansible where to deploy the staging artifact. The prod.inventory has the route53 app01prod.vprofile.project18 hostname to instruct ansible where to deploy the production artifact. NOTE: once again that only the frontend of the application stack is deployed in this project. The rest of the stack will be deployed by ansible in a later project. NOTE: that CD staging branch push will activate the second pipeline in jenkins to deploy artifact to staging app server. A CD production branch push will nto activate the third pipeline. This is done by using the parameter inputs above, BUILD and TIME to instigate the pipeline and put the artifact onto the production server..... NOTE: the route53 hosted zone A records for routing to the applicatoin servers (staging and production) are private and have the private addresses in them, so there is no need to update them between app server reboots as private IPs do not change on EC2. # Testing full CI/CD flow with merge from stage to production branch: To resolve merge conflicts when merging stage to production branches, I will create a Jenkinsfile.stage and Jenkinsfile.prod in both branches Pipeline 2 for staging in Jenkins: change the path to point to Jenkinsfile.stage Pipeline 2 for production in Jenkins: change the path to point to the Jenkinsfile.prod Create a master README file common to both branches put the stage.inventory and the prod.inventory files in both branches git checkout stage git push origin stage git checkout production git merge stage git push origin production Then for this project since prod pipeline is parameterized put the BUILD and TIME into the fields and start the prouction pipeline3 to deploy to the production app server # Staging and production app server EC2 instance configurations and Jenkins configuration: These servers must be configured in a specific fashion for this project to work. hese are tomcat servers. The port 8080 will be used to access the application and test it once it is deployed to the server Security groups in AWS have to allow PC to SSH for administration and HTTP to port 8080 from the PC to test the app in the browser Jenkins needs access to the app server so security group from Jenkins SG inbound for SSH needs to be added to app server SG Note that ansible will deploy tomcat onto the app server (see the script files). So Jenkins does not need to do this. The SSH key that was created for each app server needs to be added in Jenkins credentials. Ansible is installed on Jenkins server and this will permit ansible to administer and provision the app sever from Jenkins/ansible to app sevver on SSH Add the private pem key as SSH with private key pasted in. Install ansible on the Jenkins server$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install software-properties-common $ sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible $ sudo apt install ansible Add the ansible plugin to Jenkins configuration # Ansible deployment to app servers In general this uses the site.yml to get the playbooks. There are two playbooks - import_playbook: tomcat_setup.yml - import_playbook: vpro-app-setup.yml tomcat_setup.yml sets up tomcat on the app server. Ths yml relies on several template files to accommodate various versions of CentOS and ubuntu. The tomcat_setup.yml then installs JDK and configures the tomcat server so that it is ready to accept the .war file (vprofile app) from the earlier CI pipeline The vpro-app-setup.yml, the second playbook, gets the latest passed artifact from the earlier CI stages in the pipeline from the Nexus repository (server) and deploys it to the tomcat server. There are several rollback conditions in case the app install fails, to prevent a complete outage on the app server. The stage.inventory and the prod.inventory files have the route53 private hosted zone names for the staging and production app servers so that ansible knows where the servers are on the private address space. NOTE: need to add inbound access from the app server to the Nexus server in AWS, for the Nexus security group. The app server is downloading the latest passed artifact from the Nexus server and not from the Jenkins server. The relevant stage added to the Jenkinsfile for the staging pipeline is below The credentialsId is the SSH private key in Jenkins credentials for the staging server access. stage('Ansible Deploy to staging'){ steps { ansiblePlaybook([ inventory : 'ansible/stage.inventory', playbook : 'ansible/site.yml', installation: 'ansible', colorized : true, credentialsId: 'apploginfromansiblessh', disableHostKeyChecking: true, extraVars : [ USER: "admin", PASS: "${NEXUSPASS}", nexusip: "", reponame: "vprofile-release", groupid: "QA", time: "${env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP}", build: "${env.BUILD_ID}", artifactid: "vproapp", vprofile_version: "vproapp-${env.BUILD_ID}-${env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP}.war" ] ]) } //steps end block The relevant stage added to the Jenkinsfile for the production pipeline is below The credentialsId is the SSH private key in Jenkins credentials for the production server access. stage('Ansible Deploy to PRODUCTION'){ steps { ansiblePlaybook([ //inventory : 'ansible/stage.inventory', inventory : 'ansible/prod.inventory', playbook : 'ansible/site.yml', installation: 'ansible', colorized : true, credentialsId: 'app01prodsshkey', disableHostKeyChecking: true, extraVars : [ USER: "admin", PASS: "${NEXUSPASS}", nexusip: "", reponame: "vprofile-release", groupid: "QA", //time: "${env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP}", //build: "${env.BUILD_ID}", time: "${env.TIME}", build: "${env.BUILD}", artifactid: "vproapp", //vprofile_version: "vproapp-${env.BUILD_ID}-${env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP}.war" vprofile_version: "vproapp-${env.BUILD}-${env.TIME}.war" ] ]) } //steps end block As noted above, the production pipeline is not triggered by git push but is parameterized with BUILD and TIME from the staging pipeline stage('Setup parameters') { steps { script { properties ([ parameters([ string( defaultValue: '', name: 'BUILD', ), string( defaultValue: '', name: 'TIME', ) # NOTE that browser should be directed to public_ip_of_app_server:8080 for this project, to test the app out. Adding selenium to automate this is WIP # add some code for the parametarized versions that are used in production deployment to the slack message. This works well. post { always { echo 'Slack Notifications.' //slackSend channel: '#jenkinscicd2', slackSend channel: '#cd-devops', color: COLOR_MAP[currentBuild.currentResult], message: "*${currentBuild.currentResult}:* Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} \n More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL} \n Parameterized staged build: ${env.BUILD} and Parameterized staged time: ${env.TIME} \n Deployed staged build to production: vproapp-${env.BUILD}-${env.TIME}.war" } } # Gitlab to Jenkins integration for project 18: This is very similar to the gitlab to jenkins integration for project 20 except try using the Gitlab integration plugin on gitlab for gitlab to jenkins communication, rather than a webhook. From project 20, the implemenation is the same on project 18 except instead of the webhook configuration on the gitlab dummy pipeline, instead use Integrations Gitlab plugin. This plugin uses the jenkins URL and the username and password to authenticate gitlab to jenkins rather than a webhook and a jenkins generated token/secret. The integration is the recommended method for doing the gitlab to jenkins configuration. The only other change from project 20 is that in the Jenkins pipeline confuration for the SCM configuration the git URL is the following: ssh://git@gitlab.linode.cloudnetworktesting.com:*******/dmastrop/gitlab_to_jenkins_vprofile_project18.git The nonstandard git URL is required since a nonstandard ssh port is used on the gitlab docker container on the VPS deveops ecosystem. And the branch is */cd-ansible-project18 rather than the */main used in project 20. ## Project20 gitlab to jenkins integration notes: n the VPS devops ecosystem, configure the gitlab relay to Jenkins to run this project. This involves configuring either a webhook or Jenkins integration on the dummy gitlab project On Jenkins a token needs to be generated for the jenkins to gitlab connection used in the project/pipeline and this needs to be put in the Gitlab webhook configuration above for the gitlab dummy project for gitlab to jenkins communication. Test the gitlab webhook from gitlab. In Jenkins project select pipeline script from SCM and configure the SCM to point to the gitlab repository/docker container instance on the VPS. Note the jenkins server has to be added to the VPS traefik whitelist so that jenkins traffic can be accepted into the VPS and routed to the gitlab docker container on the VPS The SCM configuration requires special configuration with ssh to the gitlab repo via git because VPS uses nonstandard SSH port. The git URL syntax is the following: ssh://git@gitlab.linode.cloudnetworktesting.com:*****/dmastrop/gitlab_to_jenkins_vprofile_project20c.git Configure the SSH private VPS key as a credential on jenkins so that it can be used in the SCM configuration above Use */main as branch specifier for now and Jenkinsfile.gitlabotjenkins jenkinsfile in the repository for the pipeline code for this gitlab to jenkins. This jenkinsfile differs a bit from the Jenkinsfile used with a direct github to Jenkins project20, except there is some extra code to relay the Jenkins pipeline result back to Gitlab dummy pipelie on the Gitlab web console. Configure pipeline to trigger with any push,etc.... to gitlab. In Manage jenkins under Gitlab section configure the Jenkins to gitlab connection used in the above jenkins pipeline. This uses a token generated on gitlab with Maintainer role and scope api. The token is used to create a credential on Jenkins and that credential is used for the jenkins to gitlab connection. Test the connection to ensure that it works. The "Enable authentication for '/project' end-point" can be checked off because the webhook on gitlab has the token that was generated above on jenkins. So basically bi-directional tokens are used for bidirectional webhook gitlab to jenkins and connection: jenkins to gitlab connectivity. NOTE: the jenkins to gitlab connection is not used to pull the code. The SCM configuration above on Jenkins is used to pull the code via SSH git as noted above. For project 18 gitlab to jenkins extension (see other repo) try using Gitlab integration instead of a gitlab hook for the gitlab to jenkins communication. The rest of the configuration should be the same as that used here.
Project18: start on ci-jenkins branch, clone of project8 and adding on ansible software artifact staging & prod deployment of artifact to staging & then prod tomcat server for QA testing and then deployment. Ansible will deploy just frontend stack for now. cd-ansible-project18 is staging app server. cd-ansible-prod-project18 is prod app server.
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