- An interpreter and respective compiler, that generates JVM bytecode, for a made up language. Wirtten as an assignment for the Interpretation and Compilation of Programming Languages (ICL) course.
- Basic arithmetic and logic operations.
- Various imperative operations (create varialbes, aliasing, sequentialization, etc).
- Type system.
- Recursive and non-recursive functions.
Approximating 100*Pi
def mod : (int,int)int = fun dividend:int, divisor:int -> dividend - divisor * (dividend/divisor) end seed : ref int = new 2 random : ()int = fun -> seed := mod(8121 * !seed + 28411, 181); !seed end isInsideCircle : (int,int)bool = fun x:int, y:int -> (x*x) + (y*y) <= 32767 end in def i : ref int = new 0 s : ref int = new 0 pi : ref int = new 0 in while !i < 30000 do def x : int = random() y : int = random() in if isInsideCircle(x,y) then s := !s+1 else !s end; i := !i+1 end end; pi := (4 * !s * 100) / 30000; println !pi end end;;
Recursive factorial
def f : (int)int = fun x:int -> if x==0 then 1 else x*(f(x-1)) end end in f(5) end;;
Function as agrument
def f:((int)int)int = fun g:(int)int -> g (10) end in def x:int = f(fun y:int -> y*2 end) in println (x+2) end end;;