I've been running sniproxy for about a year now, and haven't had any issues. Until recently one of my hosts going through sniproxy seems to be taking over. For some reason the gitlab server is being presented on hosts that it shouldn't be. For example I have gitlab installed and a kanban on, using oauth you are directed to gitlab for login once it redirects you back to you are no longer presented the kanban server, your presented the gitlab server. I have multiple services running under each on their own virtual machine, logging in to gitlab is enough set it off, causing any sub domain under to lead to gitlab. I have other domains going through sniproxy and those are unaffected.
Everything uses SSL and is using the same wildcard cert. I've had the same setup with for a while, and only recently I upgraded to the latest gitlab and that's when it started. I'm using chrome and have looked at the http requests its making, specifically looking at the headers and cookies and I didn't see anything out of the normal. I was able to replicate this behavior on firefox but not internet explorer.
Clearing the browser cache and cookies will cause the other hosts to work fine. I can also restart sniproxy and will also cause the other sub domains to work fine. I'm not sure what gitlab is doing to make sniproxy act this way. I confirmed that sniproxy is routing the request to the wrong backend server.
I'm hoping maybe one of you guys know more about the topic, and maybe can help me find out what is going on.