A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
Inspired by First Timers Only blog post and YourFirstPR project.
If you are an open source project maintainer, add the label first-timers-only
(or similar) to your project and list it here so people can find it.
- Shouldly (label: Jump-In)
Should testing for .net - the way Asserting Should be!
- Neovim (label: entry-level)
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.
- xoreos (label: first-timers-only)
A reimplementation of BioWare's Aurora engine (and derivatives).
- LightTable (label: beginner)
The Next Generation code editor! One of the top funded projects on KickStarter.
- Elixir (label: Level:Starter)
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
- Docker (label: exp/beginner)
Open-source application container engine - Apex (label: contrib (easy))
Build, Deploy, and Manage AWS Lambda functions with ease
- TEAMMATES (label: d.FirstTimers)
TEAMMATES is a free online tool for managing peer evaluations and other feedback paths of your students.
- annyang (label: first-timers-only)
A popular Speech Recognition library used to communicate with everything from websites to smart mirrors to flying drones. - Clementine.js Boilerplate (label: beginner)
The elegant and lightweight full stack JavaScript boilerplate. - PouchDB (label: first time only)
PouchDB is a pocket-sized database. - Leaflet (label: easy fix)
JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. - angular-formly (label: first-timers-only)
JavaScript powered forms for AngularJS. - Dragula (label: first-timers-only)
Drag and drop so simple it hurts. - UI.Layout directive (Angular UI) (label: first-timers-only)
Angular directive that allows you to split! - React Router (label: good-for-beginner)
A complete routing solution for React.js. - history (label: good-for-beginner)
A minimal, functional history library for JavaScript. - The Reapp User Interface (label: good-for-beginner)
Amazing cross platform UI's with React and JavaScript. - Mozilla Shumway (label: good-for-beginner)
Shumway is a Flash VM and runtime written in JavaScript. - TodoMVC (label: first time contributor)
Helping you select an MV* framework by implementing Todo in lots of Javascript apps. - Adobe Brackets (label: starter bug)
An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. - Chai (label: easy-fix)
BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework. - AVA (label: good for beginner)
Futuristic test runner. - Kinto.js (label: easy-pick)
An offline-first JavaScript client leveraging the Kinto API for remote data synchronization. - ESLint (label: beginner)
A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. - Webpack (label: easy)
A bundler for javascript and friends. - Tessel 2 CLI (label: contribution-starter)
Command line interface to Tessel 2. - Ember.js (label: Good for New Contributors)
A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications. - Ember.js Data (label: Good for New Contributors)
A data persistence library for Ember.js. - FreeCodeCamp (label: first-timers-only)
Open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits. - Ghost (label: beginner)
Just a blogging platform - eslint-plugin-unicorn (label: good for beginner)
Awesome ESLint rules. - Hyper (label: Good for beginners)
JS/HTML/CSS Terminal - pdf.js (label: 5-good-beginner-bug)
PDF Reader in JavaScript - Moment.js (label: Up-For-Grabs)
A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. - serverless (label: help-wanted-easy)
The Serverless Framework - Hoodie Camp (label: first-timers-only)
Hoodie Camp is a space for new and existing contributors. - React server (label: good-first-contribution)
React framework with server render for blazing fast page load and seamless transitions between pages in the browser. - Yarn (label: good first bug)
Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. - pixi.js (label: Difficulty: Easy)
A 2D JavaScript Renderer
- Julia Language: Intro Issues (label: intro issue)
"Move like Python, Run like C" - A fresh approach to technical computing! - Julia Language: Up for Grabs (label: up for grabs )
"Move like Python, Run like C" - A fresh approach to technical computing!
- phpMyAdmin (label: newbie)
Admin interface for MySQL written in PHP.
- catapult (label: Good First Bug)
Catapult home for performance tools. - Python Babel (label: easy)
The Python Internationalization Library. - mitmproxy (label: good first contribution)
An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy. - Cliquet (label: easy-pick)
A toolkit to ease the implementation of HTTP microservices, such as data-driven REST APIs. - Kinto (label: easy-pick)
A lightweight JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities. - Pinax (label: first-timers-only)
A Django-based platform for rapidly developing websites. - BorgBackup (label: easy)
Deduplicating backup program with compression and authenticated encryption.
- JRuby (label: beginner)
An implementation of Ruby on the Java Virtual Machine. - puppet-mcollective (label: beginner friendly)
MCollective Server and Client Puppet Module. - Sinatra (label: your-first-pr)
Classy web-development dressed in a DSL. - Goby (label: beginner)
Framework for developing text-RPGs.
- Servo (label: E-easy)
A browser engine designed for applications including embedded use. - Rust-Clippy (label: E-easy)
A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve Rust code - Rustfmt (label: easy)
A tool for formatting Rust code according to style guidelines. - Iron (label: easy)
An extensible, concurrent web framework for Rust
- Twitter Util (label: Starter)
Wonderful reusable code from Twitter
If you are interested in creating something from scratch and looking for ideas check out requests for NPM modules here: sindresorhus/module-requests
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, the author has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.