Creativity Aided Modeling for Electronic Lights
The origins: Where this project came from In 2006, a project were released as the companion of the Beagle Bone Black Server book. A dedicated Github repository were created to be available for anyone who wanted to get introduced to the DIY world. Although stable and functional, the code was not intentionally 100% complete. Some parts were removed as exercises. After a while some readers have requested to improve the code of this project to be a fully functional project. But I wanted something that would bring more functionalities than the version provided with the book. Indeed, even if not so obvious, the code and the book are so related that I was obliged to "restrain" some functionalities to let most of the readers be able to try by themselves.
⚠ This is why this project is a complete new design and is no more adapted for newcomers
This whole project will include a designer to create leds figures (AKA patterns), a player to animate these patterns, a client to send patterns to a distant target board connected to a matrix. The Player will have 2 versions : as client of the Sender for the network version and as pattern reader who can import saved patterns from a file.