The current production version is deployed at
This project replicates a basic social network application. It was built with React and TailwindCSS as part of my enrolment on the Northcoders JavaScript Software Development Bootcamp (2024). It enables users to perform full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on articles and comments. It also utilises efficient state management and client-side routing to provide a responsive, mobile-first experience.
The backend API is a separate project and can be found here.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the required Node.js dependencies using:
npm install
- Run locally: Start the application locally:
npm run dev
. Then open the providedlocalhost
To ensure proper functionality, please verify that you have the following minimum versions installed:
- Node.js:
This portfolio project was created as part of a Digital Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering provided by Northcoders