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MapReduce library for concurrent data processing


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A library for processing huge amounts of data on your device by using MapReduce paradigm. It was inspired by Hadoop MapReduce and MongoDB MapReduce.

The goal of the library is to fully utilize all of your CPU cores and maximize concurrent processing of data. It is not meant to be used for distributed processing, but it can be used to process data in parallel on a single machine.

It is written in Go 1.20, and it fully utilizes generic mechanics, so you don't need to worry about casts from interface{}.



The paradigm is pretty simple. You only need two (or four) functions to process all of your data:

  1. func Mapper(key KeyIn, value ValueIn, emit Emitter[KeyOut, ValueOut])
  2. func Reducer(key KeyOut, values []ValueOut) ValueOut
  3. func Finalizer(key KeyOut, valueRef *ValueOut) ValueOut (optional)
  4. func Filter(key KeyOut, valueRef *ValueOut) bool (optional)


Data is gathered from a channel named Source. You can use any channel, but most commonly used ones are already predefined for you. And you can instantiate them by calling suitable constructor functions:

  1. func NewFileSource(path string) meduce.Source[int, string]
  2. func NewMapSource(m map[K]V) meduce.Source[K, V]
  3. func NewSliceSource(slice []T) meduce.Source[int, T]

And if you need to read data from multiple sources, you can aggregate all of them by calling a function that joins all sources into one:
func AggregateDataSources(dataSources ...meduce.Source[K, V]) meduce.Source[K, V]


After all data is processed, it is collected by using a Collector. You can either use predefined collectors (FileCollector, MapCollector, ChannelCollector) or create your own that implements Collector[K, V] interface.


To start data processing, you firstly need to create an Process object. That can be accomplished by calling a constructor function.

After creating the process, you can start it either synchronously or asynchronously. And if you start it asynchronously, you can wait for it to finish by calling WaitToFinish() method.

go process.Run()


You can link multiple processes together to create a pipeline. Interconnected processes will share data between each other internally.

They will be executed in parallel, and you don't need to worry about starting them manually. You only need to start the first one asynchronously, and the rest will be started automatically.

If you want to wait for all processes to finish, you can wait for the last one to finish by calling WaitToFinish() method on it.

Common reducers

In the reducers package, you can find some common reducers that you can use in your processes.


In this example, we're using IMDB title_basics dataset (can be found here) to find out in which year the most movies were released.

We will create two linked processes. The first one will count how many movies were released in each year, and the second one will find the year with the most movies.

package main

import (

func MapMovieToYear(_ int, line string, emit meduce.Emitter[int, int]) {
	values := strings.Split(line, "\t")

	year, err := strconv.Atoi(values[5])
	if err != nil {

	emit(year, 1)

func ReduceYearCounters(_ int, counters []int) int {
	count := 0
	for _, value := range counters {
		count += value

	return count

type YearInfo struct {
	Year  int
	Count int

func MapYearToInfo(year int, count int, emit meduce.Emitter[string, YearInfo]) {
	emit("max", YearInfo{year, count})

func ReduceMaxYear(_ string, infoList []YearInfo) YearInfo {
	var max YearInfo

	for _, info := range infoList {
		if max.Year == 0 || info.Count > max.Count {
			max = info

	return max

func main() {
	process1 := meduce.NewDefaultProcess(
		meduce.Config[int, string, int, int]{
			Mapper:  MapMovieToYear,
			Reducer: ReduceYearCounters,

			Source: sources.NewFileSource("files/title_basics.tsv"),

			Logger: log.Default(),

	maxValueCollector := collectors.NewSingleValueCollector[string, YearInfo]()

	process2 := meduce.NewDefaultProcess(
		meduce.Config[int, int, string, YearInfo]{
			Mapper:  MapYearToInfo,
			Reducer: reducers.NewMaxOrderedField[string, YearInfo, int](func(info YearInfo) int { return info.Count }),

			Collector: maxValueCollector,

			Logger: log.Default(),

	meduce.Link(process1, process2)

	go process1.Run()

	maxValue := maxValueCollector.Value()
	fmt.Printf("Most movies (%d) were made in %d. year.\n", maxValue.Count, maxValue.Year)