A web application for managing Paid Time Off (PTO) requests, built with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript as a project for the "Programming for Internet" university course.
This project provides a simplified system for administrators to manage PTO requests. Key features include admin authentication, employee database integration, and custom calendar functionality.
- User Registration and Login:
- Users can register accounts, with registration data stored in browser cookies.
- Login form validates credentials against the data stored in cookies.
- Employee Database Management:
- Fetches employee data from a mock API (https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users).
- Displays a list of employees.
- "Details" button for each employee to display detailed information from the API.
- Custom Calendar:
- Custom-built calendar for selecting PTO dates.
- Seasonal images corresponding to the year's seasons are displayed within the calendar.
- PTO Request Management:
- Administrator can add PTO requests using the custom calendar.
- PTO data (dates, etc.) is stored in the browser's local storage.
- Visual representation of Past, Current and Upcoming PTO's with corresponding season picture.
- Administrator can delete PTO's
- User Interface:
- Clean and intuitive user interface.
- Welcome message personalized with the logged-in user's name.
- Logout functionality.
- Vanilla JavaScript (no frameworks)
- JSONPlaceholder (for mock employee data)
- Register a new account using the registration form.
- Log in with your registered credentials.
- Browse the employee list.
- Click "Details" to view employee information fetched from the API.
- Use the calendar to select PTO dates and add PTO requests.
- This project was created as part of a university course.
- Employee data provided by JSONPlaceholder.