List of commands:
nfx off [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
o switches the stripe off
nfx on [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
o restores last state of the stripe
nfx dim dimvalue
o dim stripe overall
o dimvalue 0-255, default:255
nfx line startpixel endpixel color
nfx hsvline startpixel endpixel hue saturation brightness
nfx one pixel color
nfx hsvone pixel hue saturation brightness
nfx all color [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
nfx rgb color [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
nfx fade color [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
nfx hsv hue[0-360] saturation[0-100] brightness[0-100] [fadetime, default:1000] [delay +/-ms, default:20]
nfx colorfade startcolor endcolor [startpixel] [endpixel]
o startpixel default: 0
o endpixel default:pixelcount-1
nfx rainbow [speed] [fadetime, default:1000]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx kitt color [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx comet color [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx theatre color [backgroundcolor] [count] [speed]
o count default: 1
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx scan color [backgroundcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx dualscan color [backgroundcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx twinkle color [backgroundcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx twinklefade color [count] [speed]
o count default: 1
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx sparkle color [backgroundcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx wipe color [dotcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx dualwipe color [dotcolor] [speed]
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx fire [fps] [brightness] [cooling] [sparking]
o fps default: 50
o brightness 0-255, default: 31
o cooling 20-100, default: 50
o sparking 50-200, default: 120
nfx fireflicker [intensity] [speed]
o intensity default: 3
o speed +/- 0-50, default: 25
nfx faketv [startpixel] [endpixel]
Paste faketv.h in ./src
o startpixel default: 0
o endpixel default:pixelcount-1
nfx simpleclock [bigtickcolor] [smalltickcolor] [hourcolor] [minutecolor] [secondcolor] [backgroundcolor]
o bigtickcolor, default: 505050
o smalltickcolor, default: 101010
o hourcolor, default: 0000FF
o minutecolor, default: 00FF00
o secondcolor, default: FF0000 - color of the second hand - can be set to "off" to turn the second hand completly off
o backgroundcolor, default: 000000
nfx stop
o stops the effect
nfx statusrequest
o sends status
nfx fadetime value in ms, Default: 1000
nfx fadedelay value in +/- ms, Default: 20
nfx speed value 0-50, Default: 25
nfx count number of pixels, Default: 1
nfx bgcolor color, Default: 000000
o sets default parameter
startcolor,endcolor,color,backgroundcolor, dotcolor -> targetcolor in hex format e.g. ff0000 for red
[optional] :
fadetime -> fadetime per pixel in ms
delay -> delay time to next pixel in ms, if delay < 0 fades from other end of the stripe
speed -> 0-50, speed < 0 for reverse
Based on Adafruit Fake TV Light for Engineers, WS2812FX, NeoPixelBus, Lights, NeoPixel - Basic and Candle modules
Thank you to all developers