NOTE: This is a quick and dirty script. Some prior knowledge of Twitter API, PHP and cronjobs would be helpful.
We search each username via the Twitter API and look for Error CODE 50 = User not found.
I cannot provide assistance with setup, configuration or support. I provide the code "as-is".
Twitter API
Server-side PHP and Cron.
Add your usernames to the file usernames.txt and make sure each ends with a comma "," and contains no spaces.
For example, usernames.txt contents would look like:
Add your Twitter API details to the file config.php
Twitter has API rate limit of 1 query per second. Limit the number of usernames to monitor accordingly.
You can set up a cron job to execute the file bot.php every x minutes.
Add your email address in the file bot.php where you see:
$recipient_email = "";