JIRA-RCA is JIRA REST Client API for Groovy. Provides API for common tasks with projects and issues in Atlassian's JIRA project tracker. API is based on JIRA 5.1.4 REST API.
- find by username
- list of projects
- find by key
- load details
- find version by name
- load list of versions
- find component by name
- load list of components
Project version
- create a new version
- delete a version
- move versions
- modify a version properties
- create a new issue
- find by id/key
- load list of watchers
- add user to watcher list
- remove user from watcher list
Issue type
- list of issue types
- find by id/name
Issue priority
- list of issue priorities
- find by id/name
Init REST client manualy. You can alternatively init client by XML configuration file on classpath (run script create-config.sh for creating configuration for tests).
RestClient.initSharedInstance(restUrl, username, password)
Create a new version.
Version newVersion = new Version(name: '1.0', description: 'Basic version', releaseDate: new Date() + 14)
Search and release old version.
Project project = Project.findByKey('PROJKEY')
Version oldVersion = project.versionByName('0.1')
oldVersion.modify(released: true)
Create a new issue.
Project project = Project.findByKey('PROJKEY')
IssueType task = IssueType.findByName('Task')
Priority priority = Priority.findByName('Minor')
Component core = project.componentByName('core')
Issue issue = new Issue(
project: project,
summary: 'Problem with print in IE',
issueType: task,
assignee: project.lead,
reporter: project.lead,
priority: priority,
labels: ['spring', 'problem'],
originalEstimate: '4h',
remainingEstimate: '4d',
versions: [oldVersion],
environment: 'IE 6',
description: 'It sucks.',
dueDate: new Date() - 1,
fixVersions: [newVersion],
components: [core]
For more examples look at tests.
Check out and build:
git clone git://github.com/Hejki/jira-rca.git
cd jira-rca
mvn install
Copyright 2012 Petr Hejkal
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.