Monitors the SMART values of your hard drives for signs of tampering (removal without your knowledge). Works by checking the continuity of the SMART Power Cycle values.
Download the whole repo.
chmod +x installer; ./installer
to run the installer on APT based systems.
The app related configuration can be found under /etc/default/diskwatcher
# Setting this to
# 0 = Will only show log balloons when something is off.
# 0 = Recommended in hostile environments where the potential attacker may see your display.
# 0 = Recommended once you got familiar with the notify events.
# 1 = Always shows notify balloons
Install the python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Copy over the files from the _ directory.
cp -a _/* /
#!!! replace %UID% and %NAME% placeholders inside /etc/systemd/system/diskwatcher.service
#Example: %UID% = 1000, %NAME% = joe
# Reload systemd to scan for new unit files
systemctl daemon-reload
# enable+start the services
systemctl enable diskwatcher
systemctl start diskwatcher
systemctl enable diskwatcher_fetcher
systemctl start diskwatcher_fetcher
chmod 555 /opt/diskwatcher/diskwatcher
chmod 500 /opt/diskwatcher/diskwatcher_fetcher
# enjoy!