CLI_Todo is a Simple and Easy Todo list Application written in Go , Designed to help people to Make their Day productive by making their daily todolist.
- Organize: Store and organize your Tasks.
- Create Tasks: Easily create New Tasks and list them in a Beatiful Table format .
- Edit and CheckMark Tasks: You can easily edit your tasks And checkmark them.
- Command-Line Interface: A user-friendly and scriptable CLI for quick access to your All tasks.
To install CLI-Todo
, you need to have Go installed.
Then, you can use below command to install CLI_Todo
as follows:
git clone
A easy-to-use CLI-Todo
Usage: go run ./ -[COMMAND]
list Shows All the Tasks That has been Created
add "[Task name]" Create A new Task
edit "[integer]:[Edit Name]" Used to edit the task
toggle "[integer]" Used To Mark Complete The Task
del "[integer]" Used to Delete the Task
### Contributing
Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to contribute, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Checkout our [CONTRIBUTING](./ file for details on how to contribute.
### License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details.