I'm a podcaster who wants to add transcriptions to my blog posts. The down side to using a legit transcription service is that it's slow, and expenseive. Zoom has an out-of-the-box transcription service that outpus a .vtt file for every recording.
The transcription file is all spaced out and contains time stamps and gaps which makes it difficult to read naturally.
There will still be natual language issues in the file itself. This is simply meant to clean up the file formatting for easier reading.
This simple tool cleans up a VTT file for you by doing the following:
- Remove timestamps
- Remove blank lines
- Remove any HTML or coded content
- Remove line numbers
All you need to do is name your source file source.vtt
in the same folder as the transcribr.rb file and then run:
ruby transcribr.rb
The output will be to the screen and also to a file named output.txt
which is recreated every time you run the process.
This is what the before and after looks like as an example:
This is a throwback to when every startup was just a regular word with a vowel removed.
I'm not a developer. Wish I was better at this stuff. This does what I need it to.