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Early Chinese texts from the Kanseki Repository

This repository aggregates the Kanseki Repository's digital versions of 64 key texts from early China. The titles are drawn from Michael Loewe's bibliography of essential early Chinese texts1.

Note that not all texts are represented - both Shenzi texts2 are not included here. Neither text is extant in the Kanseki Repository, and sourcing digital versions is difficult due to the texts' severely fragmentary nature. Users seeking these texts are encouraged to visit the versions offered by the Chinese Text Project3.

Texts are preprocessed to remove paratext (e.g. commentaries), punctuation, whitespace, and non-Chinese characters. The aim is to produce output that can be used for machine learning, natural language processing, and other computational applications.



You can download compressed archives of all texts from the releases page.


To generate your own cleaned copy from the latest sources, first run:

$ git submodule update --init

Then, you can run either of the two python scripts included in this repository to generate plaintext or json-lines files:

$ bin/     # for plaintext
$ bin/   # for json-lines

Note that the jsonlines python library must be installed for the latter. You can install it with:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To periodically update the Kanseki repository texts from the upstream source, you can run:

$ git submodule update --remote --merge


title pinyin wade-giles source
戰國策 Zhan guo ce Chan kuo ts'e KR2e0003
潛夫論 Qian fu lun Ch'ien fu lun KR3a0010
九章算術 Jiǔzhāng Suànshù Chiu chang suan shu KR3f0032
周禮 Zhōu lǐ Chou li KR1d0002
周髀算經 Zhoubi Suanjing Chou pi suan ching KR3f0001
竹書紀年 Zhúshū Jìnián Chu shu chi nien KR2b0001
楚辭 Chu Ci Ch'u tz'u KR4a0002
莊子 Zhuangzi Chuang tzu KR5c0126
春秋公羊傳 Chūnqiū Gōngyáng zhuàn Ch'un ch'iu kung yang KR1e0007
春秋穀梁傳 Chūnqiū Gǔliáng zhuàn Ch'un ch'iu ku liang KR1e0008
春秋左傳 Chūnqiū Zuǒ zhuàn Ch'un ch'iu tso chuan KR1e0001
春秋繁露 Chūnqiū fánlù Ch'un ch'iu fan lu KR1e0122
中論 Zhonglun Chung lun KR3a0012
爾雅 Erya Erh ya KR1j0002
法言 Fayan Fa yen KR3a0009
風俗通義 Fengsu Tongyi Feng su t'ung i KR3j0081
漢記 Hanji Han chi KR2b0003
韓非子 Han Feizi Han fei tzu KR3c0005
韓詩外傳 Han shi waizhuan Han shih wai chuan KR1c0066
漢書 Han Shu Han shu KR2a0007
鶡冠子 Heguanzi Ho kuan tzu KR3j0006
孝經 Xiao Jing Hsiao ching KR1f0001
新序 Xin Xu Hsin hsü KR3a0008
新論 Xin lun Hsin lun KR3j0192
新書 Xin shu Hsin shu KR3a0005
新語 Xin yu Hsin yü KR3a0004
荀子 Xúnzǐ Hsün tzu KR3a0002
淮南子 Huainanzi Huai nan tzu KR3j0010
黃帝內經 Huangdi Neijing Huang ti nei ching KR3e0001
易經 Yi Jing I ching KR1a0001
逸周書 Yì Zhōu Shū I Chou shu KR2d0001
儀禮 Yílǐ I li KR1d0026
管子 Guānzǐ Kuan tzu KR3c0001
公孫龍子 Gōngsūn Lóngzǐ Kung sun Lung tzu KR3j0007
孔子家語 Kǒngzǐ Jiāyǔ K'ung tzu chia yü KR3a0001
國語 Guoyu Kuo yü KR2e0001
老子道德經 Laozi Dàodé Jīng Lao tzu Tao te ching KR5c0057
禮記 Liji Li chi KR1d0052
列子 Liezi Lieh tzu KR5c0124
論衡 Lunheng Lun heng KR3j0080
論語 Lúnyǔ Lun yü KR1h0004
呂氏春秋 Lüshi Chunqiu Lü shih ch'un ch'iu KR3j0009
孟子 Mengzi Meng tzu KR1h0001
墨子 Mozi Mo tzu KR3j0002
穆天子傳 Mù Tiānzǐ Zhuàn Mu t'ien tzu chuan KR3l0092
白虎通 Báihǔ Tōng Pai hu t'ung KR3j0023
山海經 Shan Hai Jing Shan hai ching KR3l0090
商君書 Shāng jūn shū Shang chün shu KR3c0004
尚書 Shangshu Shang shu KR1b0001
申鑒 Shenjian Shen chien KR3a0011
史記 Shiji Shih chi KR2a0001
詩經 Shijing Shih ching KR1c0001
釋名 Shiming Shih ming KR1j0007
說文解字 Shuowen Jiezi Shuo wen chieh tzu KR1j0018
說苑 Shuo Yuan Shuo yüan KR3a0007
孫子兵法 Sunzi Bingfa Sun tzu ping fa KR3b0003
大戴禮記 Dà Dài Lǐjì Ta Tai Li chi KR1d0076
太玄經 Tài Xuán Jīng T'ai hsüan ching KR3g0001
獨斷 Duduan Tu tuan KR3j0024
東觀漢記 Dongguan Hanji Tung kuan Han chi KR2d0002
吳越春秋 Wu Yue Chunqiu Wu Yüeh ch'un ch'iu KR2i0001
鹽鐵論 Yán Tiě Lùn Yen t'ieh lun KR3a0006
晏子春秋 Yanzi Chunqiu Yen tzu ch'un ch'iu KR2g0003
越絕書 Yue Jue Shu Yüeh chüeh shu KR2i0002


All Kanseki Repository texts are licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0. See LICENSE.

1Loewe, Michael, ed. Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide. Early China Special Monograph Series, no. 2.Berkeley, Calif.: Society for the Study of Early China : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1993.

2Namely the Shēnzi (申子, or 申不害) and the Shènzi (慎子, or 慎到).

3See and respectively.