The following list of IP addresses has been identified by our honeypot system. These IPs have been involved in activities such as port scanning, brute forcing, and other malicious attempts to compromise our network infrastructure.
To block these IP addresses, please use our
script. This script will execute the command sudo ufw deny {IP}
for each IP address in the list, effectively denying them access to our network.
- Ensure the list of malicious IP addresses is saved in a text file (e.g.,
), with one IP address per line. - Save the
script provided below to your desired directory. - Make the script executable by running the following command:
chmod +x
- Execute the script, providing the path to your IP list file as an argument:
./ malicious_ips.txt
# Check if file is provided as argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <file_with_ips>"
exit 1
# Check if the provided file exists
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "File not found!"
exit 1
# Read the file line by line
while IFS= read -r ip; do
if [[ ! -z "$ip" ]]; then
# Apply the deny rule using UFW
echo "Denying IP: $ip"
sudo ufw deny from "$ip"
done < "$1"
echo "All IPs have been processed."
This script ensures that all IP addresses listed in the file are blocked from accessing your network, enhancing your security measures against these identified threats.