Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts (Community Edition)
This driver allows Kubernetes to access NFS server on Linux node.
Enables you to create a Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox VE with Terraform & Kubespray in a declarative manner.
LazyXds enables Istio only push needed xDS to sidecars to reduce resource consumption and speed up xDS configuration propagation.
A collection of quick starters for ansible, kubernetes, docker, linux, windows, and more. Great for HomeLabs!
Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
The webhook and the ClusterIssuer resource for automatic provisioning of SSL certificates in Kubernetes
Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
A Nexus Repository 3 plugin that allows usage of Ansible Galaxy repositories.
Standard Go Project Layout
Tunnel all your traffic over Websocket or HTTP2 - Bypass firewalls/DPI - Static binary available
Подробная инструкция (как в pdf, так и в md формате) о настройке своего совбственного Xray-VPS-сервера (с протоколом VLESS XTLS-Reality через панель 3x-ui), а также настройке клиентских приложений …
Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
Kuper-Tech / work
Forked from gocraft/workProcess background jobs in Go
Use numerous Let's Encrypt certificates and have them all in one place.
alireza0 / x-ui
Forked from hossinasaadi/x-uixray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & Shadowsocks)
The easiest way to run WireGuard VPN + Web-based Admin UI.
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
(archived) Old Ansible inventory & vault scripts
A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
Современный учебник JavaScript
Ansible role to simplify the process of renewing LetsEncrypt Certificates when utilising Cloudflare as a DNS provider