Bill of Material for Maven Java Spring framework projects
Gather all versions in my miscellaneous Maven Java libraries versions.
My public and corporate projects are biased toward following major libraries
. Spring Framework . Spring Boot . Hibernate . Docker
In that effect, it should not be surprising some other framework are not represented. (PR are welcome!)
This Platform bill of materials is mostly based on Spring Boot Dependencies 2.6.x
Versioning will follow closely that of Spring Framework and Spring Boot major release X.Y in X.Y.Z
minor Z in X.Y.Z will be for incremental changes with dependent libraries which do not break a Spring Framework and Spring Boot build.
Migrating to Spring Framework 5.3.x (
Maven 3.6.3
Java 11
To use it in your Maven build add:
Modify in your ~/.m2/settings.xml along those lines, or download following template settings.xml if none exists currently.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<settings xmlns=""