This repository contain codes for Web Apps created.
StocksBee: It takes stock name as a input and displays quote, simple and exponential moving average, AROON values, Volume Weighted Price, OBV values, Hilbert Transform Trendline for the input stock. Alphavantage API is used to fetch data for the given stocks.
- I have used react-material-ui for creating various components.
- Since Alphavantage provides only 5 API requests per minute for free, I have added delay in redndering of some of the components.
To run the code: claim Alphavantage key from here and edit in Config.js file
Quizbee: It is a simple web app that presents a quiz with five random questions out of 50 questions. It displays submitted answers, correct answers, total score, and play option on submitting the quiz. Check out Video Demo here
On Selecting any option, color changes to red.
It displays submitted answers, correct answers, total score, and play option on submitting the quiz
To-do list: A simple web-app that allows user to add a new to-do task or view all the exisiting tasks. User can cross-off or delete item from the list. It uses local storage to maintain the list.