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aiquita edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 6 revisions

Working with user stories

Before working on a new user story, i.e. pulling it into the "In progress" section, the story needs to be cut into feasible technical tasks. The cutting could be done directly by the developers responsible for the implementation of the story and need not be done by all developers together.

Every technical task has to be tagged with

  • technical task and
  • the issued number of the user story it belongs to.

The story is allowed to move on into the next section only if all of its technical tasks are in this section or a later one.

Version control

There has to be a branch for each technical tasks that are merged back to main by pull request.

The branch have to be named with the issue number.

Each commit have to start with the issue number of the according technical task or the user story if it does not belong to an technical task. The rest of the message should summarize what was done and why.

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