DataStax CDC for Apache Cassandra® is open-source software (OSS) that sends Cassandra mutations for tables having Change Data Capture (CDC) enabled to Luna Streaming or Apache Pulsar™, which in turn can write the data to any technology like for example platforms such as kafka.
This repo contains a CDC demo. The twitter-sentimentr application ingests data into cassandra. CDC streams all mutations of table tweet_by_id in near realtime to kafka.
- clone the repo
git clone
- cd into folder
cd cdc-to-kafka-for-twitter-sentimentr-up
- delete all containers in case they exist
docker-compose -f docker-compose-1.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yml down
- start cassandra and pulsar, pulsar-dashboard
docker-compose -f docker-compose-1.yml up -d
- wait till cassandra is completely up and running
watch "docker exec -it cassandra nodetool status"
- run init-1 script to create keyspace, tables and topics
- start the applications
- twitter-ui, twitter-loadgenerator and twitter-twitter-sentimentr-en-service
docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yml up -d
- use your browser and load twitter-ui: localhost:8081 - will take a few seconds till the application is ready to respond
- create sinks, sources and function
- done !!!
- you should now see realtime date in twitter-ui: localhost:8081
- you should see cdc in action
- see the terminal where you executed "sh". There you see all mutations of table tweet_by_id. These mutations are streamed as events/messages to topic:' public/default/data-twitter.tweet_by_id'. The kafka connector consumes this topic and streams the data to the topic 'from-pulsar' in kafka.
- grafana and prometheus is preconfigured with some pulsar and kafka dashboards
- open localhost:3000 in your browser
- login with admin/admin
- enjoy the preconfigured pulsar dashboards
- datapipeline:
cassandra table -> DataStax Change Agent for Apache Cassandra ->public/default/event-twitter.tweet_by_id
pulsar topic -> DataStax Cassandra Source Connector for Apache Pulsar ->public/default/data-twitter.tweet_by_id
pulsar topic -> kafka sink connector for pulsar ->from-pulsar
kafka topic - the following commands are scripted in ./ Either execute ./ and hit enter to execute the next command.
- or execute each command manually starting with the command to query twitter.tweet_by_id table
docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -e "select * from twitter.tweet_by_id"
- hit a few times the following command to see that the number of records in the twitter.tweet_by_id table is growing
docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -e "select count(*) from twitter.tweet_by_id"
- show metrics for CDC pulsar topics 'public/default/event-twitter.tweet_by_id' and 'public/default/data-twitter.tweet_by_id' via grafana pulsar topic dashboard
- show metrics for kafka topic 'from pulsar'
- see the terminal where you executed "sh". The output is from command
docker exec -it kafka /bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic from-pulsar --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- There you see all mutations of table tweet_by_id. These mutations are streamed as events/messages to topic:' public/default/data-twitter.tweet_by_id'. The kafka connector consumes this topic and streams the data to the topic 'from-pulsar' in kafka which is consumed by the kafka-console-consumer cli.
- stop the applications in order to show the effect of inserts, updates and deletes via cqlsh
docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yml down
- ingest a record into 'twitter.tweet_by_id' table via cqlsh
docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -e "INSERT INTO twitter.tweet_by_id (id, createdat, lang, sentiment, tweet) VALUES ('5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2', '2022-04-11T13:58:26.132432', 'en', 3, 'Hello from DataStax CDC');"
- update an record in 'twitter.tweet_by_id' table via cqlsh
docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -e "UPDATE twitter.tweet_by_id SET tweet='UPDATED Hello from DataStax CDC' WHERE id='5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2';"
- delete columns from a record in 'twitter.tweet_by_id' table via cqlsh
docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh -e "DELETE tweet FROM twitter.tweet_by_id WHERE id='5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2';"
- the following screenshot shows two terminal windows.
- the terminal at the bottom is where the cqlsh insert, update and delete commands where executed to cause mutations in the cassandra twitter.tweet_by_id table.
- The terminal at the top is the one where 'sh' was executed and where 'kafka-console-consumer' prints all data streamed to kafka"s 'from-pulsar' topic. In case you stopped 'kafka-console-consumer' - just start 'kafka-console-consumer' again.
docker exec -it kafka /bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic from-pulsar --bootstrap-server localhost:9092