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@ff137 ff137 released this 13 Dec 14:39
· 113 commits to master since this release

This release includes various improvements - a detailed summary is as follows:

💥 API Changes:
Tenant-Admin changes:

  • the success status code for the delete tenant endpoint has changed from 200 to 204
  • GET /v1/tenants/{wallet_id}/access-token has been deprecated in favour of POST /v1/tenants/{wallet_id}/access-token

Tenant changes:

  • DIDCreate has an options field which is now deprecated, where the nested key_type and did fields that it contained have been moved up one level to the main request body.
  • OpenAPI change: revocation endpoints are now tagged under revocation, instead of issuer

✨ New features:

  • A new endpoint has been added for fixing revocation registry state, when the issuer state is out of sync with the ledger: /v1/issuer/credentials/fix-revocation-registry/{revocation_registry_id}
  • A new query param has been added for POST /v1/issuer/{credential_exchange_id}/request: save_exchange_record, to control whether record is preserved from holder's side.
  • save_exchange_record is now Optional
    • previously it was either True or False; meaning that the wallet's default settings were always overridden with the specific request. We now support a "None" option as well, which uses the wallet's configuration.
    • affects the issuer and verifier endpoints for sending/accepting credentials or proofs.

👷 Internal improvements:

  • fixed a bug where onboarding an issuer could fail, but still write their public did to the ledger
  • automatically resubscribe NATS upon timeout errors in the endorser and waypoint services
  • improved ACA-Py log levels and reduced noise

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0