This is my easy search-engine app. Includes 2 repositories (backend + frontend). It is built base on regex concept.
- I deployed my app by nginx server. You can check quickly.
- Frontend repo:
- NodeJS v20 (ExpressJs)
- ReactJs v18
- MongoDB (v4 upper)
- ChakraUI
Search-engine app use Regex (Regular Exception) to search corpus - saved in MongoDB.
Search result must be contain all characters of input
Can insert 1 or many characters to between characters - split by input. With pattern:
After get some result suitable with rule above from DB. Continue mark score forEach result by my rule
0: "^" + word + "$" 1: `(^${word}.{1}$)|(^.{1}${word}$)` 2: `(^.{1}${word}.{1}$)|(^${word}.{2,3}$)|(^.{2,3}${word}$)` 3: `^.{1,3}${word}.{1,3}$` 4: ".{0,2}" + `${word}`.split("").join(".{1,2}") + ".{0,2}"
That's mean, for example i have input - "open". I can create 5 option for search
0 -> exact word "open" 1 -> can insert 1 character before|after ".open"|"open." 2 -> similar 1 score, but can have 2|3 characters + ".open." 3 -> "" 4 -> After searching contain entire input, i start split and insert between them ".o.p.e.n." 5 -> Sort follow score, If have over many result which have same as score, i will sort and get 3 shortest word 6 -> If result < 3, i slice input. "open" -> "ope" 7 -> Loop until found 3 result, if not get random.
So at least, i can find 3 words contain a first character.
Score and size of result can be change easily to adapt with your require!
This is some step to install and prepare database
- After clone repository
npm install
- Create config file follow sample
- Start
node server.js
- First, I need insert corpus into DB. With command, replace file name in <<hemingway.txt>>. I prepared 2 file is hemingway.txt & corpus.txt.
node scripts/add-corpus.js <<hemingway.txt>>
- Process will read file and split into many words. Many this word are duplicate checked by new Set(). After that, I chunk into data set and insert to DB thank to Promise.all.
- Notice*: If DB has many over ~20.000 word. Inserting by this scripts start to take a long time since before inserting, I need check if word is existed to avoid duplicated. In one paragraph, there are have many duplicate words. So, this is neccessary
- There are 3 apis match with 3 options (search, update, delete)
- With delete: i use logic of search API and find this word.
- Please check Postman Documents