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Starter Kit

Halite III starter kit components

  • MyBot.{extension}, a starter bot outline
  • /hlt directory, which contains modifiable helper functions for your bot
  • A Halite executable that enables local playtesting of your bot
  • The scripts run_game.bat (Windows) and (MacOS, Linux)

Testing your bot locally

  • Run run_game.bat (Windows) and (MacOS, Linux) to run a game of Halite III. By default, these scripts run a game of your bot vs. itself. You can modify the board size, map seed, and the opponents of test games using the CLI.


The Halite executable comes with a command line interface (CLI). Run $ ./halite --help to see a full listing of available flags.

Submitting your bot

Compiling your bot on our game servers

  • Your bot has 10 minutes to install dependencies and compile on the game server.
  • You can run custom commands to set up your bot by including an file alongside MyBot.{ext}. This file will be executed and should be a Bash shell script. You must include the shebang line at the top: #!/bin/bash.
    • For Python, you may install packages using pip, but you may not install to the global package directory. Instead, install packages as follows: python3.6 -m pip install --system --target . numpy
  • Some languages don't use the MyBot.{ext} convention. Exceptions include:
    • Rust: a Cargo.toml in the root will be detected as Rust. Your bot will compile with cargo rustc.
    • Swift: a Package.swift in the root will be detected as Swift. Your bot will compile with swift build.
    • Haskell: You may upload a MyBot.hs, or you may upload a stack.yaml, in which case your bot will compile with stack build.
    • Elixir: Upload a mix.exs. Your bot will compile with mix deps.get followed by mix
    • Clojure: Upload a project.clj. Your bot will compile with lein uberjar.
    • .NET: Upload a MyBot.csproj or MyBot.fsproj. Your bot will compile with dotnet restore followed with dotnet build.

Results and Rankings

Player Profile available here

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Python Bot for Challenge







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