Installs and configures the Apache HTTP Server
- Currently, only CentOS7 is supported
apache_https: false
apache_remove_welcome: false
apache_hostname: "{{ hostname | default('myapp') }}"
apache_domainname: "{{ domainname | default('test.test') }}"
apache_log_path: "/var/log/{{ apache_service }}"
apache_log_level: "warn"
apache_debugging: "{{ debugging | default(false) }}"
apache_trace_enabled: false
apache_config_file: "/etc/{{ apache_service }}/conf.d/01_{{ apache_hostname }}.conf"
apache_config_template: "default.conf.j2"
apache_http_redirect_marker: "http redirect"
apache_http_logging_marker: "http logging"
apache_https_logging_marker: "https logging"
apache_ssl_config_marker: "ssl config"
apache_header_mod_marker: "header modification"
apache_trace_marker: "trace config"
# SSL vars
# NOTE: self-signed and provided cert booleans are mutually exclusive
# ...either or both can be false, but both cannot be true
ssl_self_sign_cert: false
ssl_provided_cert: false
ssl_certificate_file: "{{ apache_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}.crt"
ssl_certificate_key_file: "{{ apache_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}.key"
ssl_certificate_chain_file: false
ssl_certificate_path: "/etc/pki/tls/certs"
ssl_certificate_key_path: "/etc/pki/tls/private"
ssl_certificate_subj: "/CN={{ apache_fqdn }}"
ssl_support_legacy_clients: true
# NOTE: expect the cert and the key (and possibly the chain cert) content
# to be passed in, if ssl_provided_cert is true
ssl_certificate_content: ""
ssl_certificate_key_content: ""
ssl_certificate_chain_content: ""
- hosts: servers
- { role: apache }
Drew Heles Farooq Sadiq