I am an aspiring Full Stack Developer with expertise in MERN and a passion for designing and problem-solving.
Indore Institute Of Science And Technology Indore
- Indore
- https://dheerajyadav18-portfolio-dheerajyadav18.vercel.app/
- @dheerajyadav18_
- https://linktr.ee/Dheeraj_Yadav
- in/dheerajyadav18
- dheeraj_yadav_18_
- Pro
My personal portfolio website built using React js.
It is a dashboard which contain different types of applications. By this, we can easily got numerous application into a single dashboard what we are using in our day to day life.
Empowering Rural Workers with an online platform for finding work opportunities in their own area.
Simplify the process or decrease the wide gap between farmer and consumers.
HTML5,CSS3 Project by Dheeraj!
Config files for my GitHub profile. If you are here please star it.
Updated Aug 30, 2021
dheerajyadav18 / vftvk-Simple-Interest-Calculator
Forked from ibm-developer-skills-network/vftvk-Simple-Interest-CalculatorThis repo contains the project we are make for the hackathon Live the code.