![bootstrap logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/bootstrap/bootstrap.png)
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PESTHOME is a web platform aimed at homeless pet foundations, which facilitates the adoption process in your city, it is a new way of managing the information of foundations pets, adapted to have a…
REST API developed with django and django REST framework integrated to a PsotgreSQL database and deployed in Heroku.
Repositorio donde guardo mis notas,ejercicios,retos de Mision Tic del Ciclo 1
This repository contains all the popular Competitive Programming and DSA questions with solutions for your Coding Interview Preparation.
A informative simple page application prototyped in Figma, developed in vanilla javascript with ajax requests and layouted with bootstrap and deployed in the free Firebase hosting that contains imp…
Awesome stack, awesome project pls press the star button
Personal CV portfolio simply developed in HTML5, CSS3 (Flexbox and Grid) and Javascript.
En esta serie te enseño todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Flexbox CSS para maquetar sitios y aplicaciones web.
A Simple Page Application that consumes the information from a website (in this case from https://css-tricks.com/) whose content manager is Wordpress and provided that it allows interaction with it…
A simple web application that consumes the information from a website whose content manager is Wordpress and as long as it allows interaction with its API.
👩💻Repository for my introduction to object-oriented programming class.
Mini console game made with Java using Ecplise IDE, for my interactive programming class.
A mini java game made for my interactive programming class in uni.
Departamentos y ciudades de Colombia en json
A simple web application search for Lyrics and Artists information that consumes the LYRICS.OVH-API: https://www.theaudiodb.com/api_guide.php & TheAudioDB-API: https://lyricsovh.docs.apiary.io/#
A simple web application search for TV shows in the United States that consumes the MAZETV API: https://www.tvmaze.com/api
A Memory Card game with aquarium theme. Made with Java for my Interactive Programming Class.
A tiny js script to include html files in html documents
A simple web application that applies most of the DOM handling concepts with vanilla javascript.