Spring Boot restTemplate client to fetch all transactions from Starling Bank API, calculate the round-up and save the amount into a new savings goal.
Spring boot will start a new local server and ask the Main method to automatically fetch all transactions.
TransactionsResponseInterceptor will capture the response from the API and call the RoundUp method.
RoundUpController calculate roundUp of all transactions amounts and create a new savings goal with generated savingGoalUid.
SavingGoalResponseInterceptor will capture the savingGoalUid and store the amount using the API.
This compressed file already contains a packaged JAR file for you. It is inside the target folder > saving-client.jar If you want to rebuild the project, you can do:
mvn clean install
Run this command to start the Spring Boot application:
java -jar target/saving-client.jar
You should see some output followed by a success message when the calculated amount is saved:
You successfully saved 55.04£ into your new saving goal
The token used by this repository is not perpetual. If you get 403 error while testing, please contact me at: nizar.bousebsi@gmail.com. I will refresh the Token for you.