Importing Libraries:
pandas for data manipulation and handling CSV files. DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.tree for building a decision tree model. train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection to split the dataset into training and testing sets. accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics to evaluate the model's accuracy. tree from sklearn and graphviz for exporting and visualizing the decision tree. Loading the Dataset:
Reads a CSV file (music.csv) containing data about users including their age, gender, and preferred music genre. Preparing the Data:
Defines X as the input features (age and gender) by dropping the genre column from the dataset. Defines y as the output labels (genre column). Splitting Data:
Splits the dataset into training (X_train, y_train) and testing (X_test, y_test) sets using train_test_split(). Here, 80% of the data is used for training and 20% for testing. Building and Training the Model:
Initializes a decision tree classifier (DecisionTreeClassifier()). Fits the model using the training data (X_train, y_train) to learn the patterns between input features and music genres. Visualizing the Decision Tree (Optional):
Exports the trained decision tree model to a .dot file ( for visualization. This step requires Graphviz software and the graphviz Python package for rendering. Making Predictions and Evaluating the Model:
Uses the trained model to predict music genres for the test dataset (X_test). Calculates the accuracy of the model by comparing predicted genres (pred) with actual genres (y_test). Output:
Prints the accuracy score of the model on the test data, indicating how well the model predicts music genres based on user demographics.