Problem description
I've been playing around with titiler, and it seems really nice—thanks! I would like to experiment using titiler.core to add /cog endpoints to my own FastAPI-based project. Currently, titiler is restricted to versions of FastAPI < 0.66 (the latest version is 0.68.1). Is there something about the more recent releases that is incompatible, or is it safe to remove that restriction?
$ poetry add titiler.core
Using version ^0.3.8 for titiler.core
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (3.8s)
Because titiler.core (0.3.8) depends on fastapi (>=0.65,<0.66)
and no versions of titiler.core match >0.3.8,<0.4.0, titiler.core (>=0.3.8,<0.4.0) requires fastapi (>=0.65,<0.66).
So, because project depends on both fastapi (^0.68.0) and titiler.core (^0.3.8), version solving failed.
Expected Output
Adding package succeeds.
Environment Information
Linux, Python 3.9, poetry