This is the new version of my maze generator, now made with .NET Core.
GitHubActions Builds |
Docker Hub |
CodeCov |
SonarQube |
NuGet |
(If an image of a Maze is shown below, the deployment is working)
Azure Web Deployment | Azure Docker Deployment |
The Travis build will also run publish and then create a docker image which is automatically published to here:
Azure will then pick up the docker image and automatically deploy it using the Web App On Linux (preview) to:
Azure will also do a seperate deployment/build when a push to git has occured:
AppVeyor will create a number of build artefacts which are added as releases on Github so they can be downloaded:
- DeveMazeGeneratorCore.7z (Build output as 7z)
- (Build output as zip)
- DeveMazeGeneratorCore.x.x.x.nupkg (Nuget package of library)
- DeveMazeGeneratorCore.x.x.x.symbols.nupkg (Nuget package of symbols for library)
As of the latest version it is now also possible to generate mazes the size on 2^30 * 2^30 dynamically with a path.
Use the following url as an example: