- Infinite horizontal world
- Constantly scrolling forward
- Server generated enemies, powerups, and events
- Goal is to stay alive and generate the most points
- Leaderboards
- improve bot logic
- why do things get so jumpy when it lags
- add audio
- add server kill switch to boot everyone out
- server is offline, play with bots locally
- remove leaderboard from spectate
- take interactive video or picture of everyone playing
- add score on death screen
- fix collisions of shots
- add rotate to bounding box
- add client side collisions better
- fix explosion animation
- get rid of explosion and make things light up when hit?
- dying and reviving does weird things, health bar wiggled too
- add arrows to direct you to where the action is
- make game ui better
- hard to go straight left with nipplejs
- add server throttling
- add latency tracking
- refactor entity constructor to make easier entity creation
- cluster size never scales back down after 400 users?
- figure out ghost players
- make keyboard wasd
- better grouping of players and enemies
- optimize server
- only send data for livePlayer vs non
- validate input sequence number, assure they can't send garbage negative, etc
- add ping
- disconnect player for prolonged inactivity
- disconnect player for delayed pingpong
- test server version
- import all assets
- add momentum to rocks
- make collisions work better, faster tick?
- abstract shield better, player keeps taking damage
- make collision more abstracted
- fix shots being tied to entity xy
- revive does not work
- abstract interpolate entities
- better death animation
- moving goes out of sync on mobile, i think its moving faster
- figure out mobile jitter, https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1068769
- add death animation
- fix shot offset in shot to be x,y and owner
- add bots to client
- take damage
- die
- deploy singleplayer support
- connect on login screen
- show game in background of login, add spectator mode to server
- support drawing bounding boxes in debug
- garbageless client tick
- add server version
- add collisionless entities
- add shake screen effects when attack
- watch other shmups
- come up with realtime events
- big bosses every 5 min
- countdown to next boss event
- abstract game events into a class
- register event at tick?
- puzzles solve together like a maze blow up walls game event?
- need much better enemy variability
- add player upgrades, unlock
- add badges to player
- add leveling like mario maker?
- you level up exp all the time, get stronger, so do enmeis, they chase you
- add score entity
- add laser spray
- add time based weapons
- add laser upgrade
- add fire to rockets
- add fire to player ships
- drop power-ups from enemy
- drop power-ups from debris
- add power-ups
- two clones fight with you?
- add shield upgrades
- add rocket
- abstract weapons
- add death effect
- add a concept of enemy types, better abstraction
- add shields
- you always have shield that regens but also upgradable
- add shield power up
- support for player color
- add multiple enemy colors
- better rock debris
- add rock debris
- build server montorinng ui, auth endpoints
- checks for servers, spins one up?
- add login, register ui
- add license to repo
- test what happens if server crashes on aws
- add monitoring server to watch things happen
- once the average duration (over 10 ticks) goes above a threshold, take server out of rotation
- If you use this code let me know! it's not required I'm just curious
- write better readme describe architecture
- make sure disconnect and kill work
- server level leaderboard
- global leaderboard
- add lambda for join/etc
- add login, login anon, register api
- add analytics to server to see users connected, enemies, etc
- watch ad to get upgrade, or micro-transaction or donate cup of coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/
- how do other guys do it itch.io
- let streamers create their own server and send their own waves of enemies until everyone dies?????????
- for huge streamers 500 people play across 10 servers, same script tho
- Add analytics
- buy ads
- watch video ad start at level 5
- figure out multiplayer jumpiness on move
- validate buffer so client get send garbage, try catch and boot user
- move byte buffer code into individual entity
- refactor clientGame to be more dynamic and support adding entities easier
- determine screen size
- scaling
- cant go off the screen
- better kenney assets
- shot explode effect
- gun shooting offcenter when youre moving
- add momentum to movement
- alternate left right on shot
- better mobile support
- add mouse movement
- add full screen rotate code
- binary transfer
- better background
- refactor code
- better separation
- proper draw
- add better bounding box for collisions
- clean up serialize, worldstate, buffer builder
- make it easier to add things add entities and sync fields
- add worldstate filtering
- build bots
- load test
- deploy to beanstalk
- determine how to scale up servers dynamically
Ideal grouping is 3 players per screen width, try to force this as much as possible, ai and user placement should always enforce this balance