This project contains the HTML and CSS files for Soham Desai's professional online resume. It showcases my skills, education, work experience, and projects as a Computer Science student.
- Contact Information: Includes email, GitHub, and LinkedIn profiles.
- Skills: Lists programming languages and development tools I'm proficient in.
- Education: Details my Computer Science education at Rutgers University.
- Certificates: Highlights certifications in Problem Solving, Mainframe Technologies, and Web Design.
- Projects: Describes significant projects, including an Enhanced Pomodoro Timer and a Personal Portfolio Website.
- Work Experience: Outlines my roles and contributions in previous employment.
- Leadership & Affiliations: Shares my involvement in communities like CodePath and ColorStack.
To view the resume, open the index.html
file in any modern web browser.
This resume is a personal project and is not open for contributions. However, feedback and suggestions are welcome.
If you wish to contact me, please reach out via email at
Thank you for your interest in my resume.