Allow TypeScript files to be imported from npm packages #24093
I am getting the following error when attempting to import a .ts file from an npm package (byonm):
TypeScript files are not supported in npm packages:
import { foo } from "some-node-module/abc.ts";
The source of the above error seems to be this:
There is a lot that I really like about deno but there are many scenarios where I want to be able to depend upon an entire package of files (scripts, stylesheets, templates, static assets, etc). There are many reasons where I find this to be useful; one such example is that of a reusable component library containing nunjucks templates and .scss files which can then be reused as a package across multiple services.
I would like to be able to reference a node module and then to import TypeScript files as-is and to be able to configure nunjucks to read templates from a directory structure from a package, and to be able to process .scss files where some are imported from a package.
In the node world npm packages quite easily allow for this and I think deno could potentially allow for this with its byonm feature. (As an aside I prefer to reference my own packages from GitHub repositories rather than publishing them to the npm registry).