Common object storage frontend that supports dictionary-style access, object serialization and compression, and multiple storage and caching backends.
Supported storage backends out of the box are:
- Filesystem
- Memory
- sqlite (disk or memory)
Current supported caching backends are:
- Filesystem
- Memory
- sqlite (disk or memory)
The simplest shove use case...
>>> from shove import Shove
>>> store = Shove()
...which creates an in-memory store and cache.
Use of other backends for storage and caching involves passing an module URI or existing store or cache instance to shove following the form:
>>> from shove import Shove
>>> <storename> = Shove(<store_uri>, <cache_uri>)
Each module-specific URI form is documented in its module. The URI form follows the URI form used by SQLAlchemy:
shove implements the Python dictionary/mapping API: