Please select the area your bug applies to. (Multiple selections are Possible. You can leave blank if you're not sure.)
- Workspace. VSCode workspace, vaults, Intellisense/autocomplete, Dendron settings
- Lookup. Dendron's Lookup Command
- Views. Dendron Preview, Tree View, Side Panels in the UI
- Schema. Dendron Schemas
- Pod. Data import from / export to Dendron
- Publish. External Site Publish
- Markdown. Markdown features, such as syntax support and features
Describe the bug
After updating a schema, the Lookup palette stops functioning properly. Specifically,
- suggestions are either not given at all, or suggestions for unrelated notes are given, or only some applicable suggestions are given
- tab completion does not work (does nothing)
- typing in a note and pressing enter sometimes navigates to the correct note, but will often produce one of the following behaviors instead:
- nothing happens
- Dendron navigates to a completely different note
- Dendron creates a note with a filename that is missing some characters or has extra characters in it
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Open a schema yml file
- Save the file, causing Dendron to update the schema
- Press
to open the lookup palette and attempt to use it.
Expected behavior
The lookup palette works as normal.
Lookup palette with no suggestions:
Desktop (please complete the following information)
- OS: Windows 11 Home 10.0.22000
- Browser (if with published websites; include version): N/A
- Versions (all that apply to bug):
- Dendron Extension: v0.107.2
- VS Code version: 1.70.1
- Dendron CLI:
Additional context
I first noticed this after editing the daily journal schema. A copy is here: dendron.daily.schema.yml.txt (GitHub does not support uploading .yml
files, so I have added a .txt
dendron.yml.txt (Uploading this just in case, also renamed to a .txt
Edit: I forgot to add, workaround is to reload the window after editing schema. Reloading causes the lookup palette to go back to normal.