Please select the area your bug applies to. (Multiple selections are Possible. You can leave blank if you're not sure.)
- Workspace. VSCode workspace, vaults, Intellisense/autocomplete, Dendron settings
- Lookup. Dendron's Lookup Command
- Views. Dendron Preview, Tree View, Side Panels in the UI
- Schema. Dendron Schemas
- Pod. Data import from / export to Dendron
- Publish. External Site Publish
- Markdown. Markdown features, such as syntax support and features
Describe the bug
Create a workspace with a note n1.n2.n3
Use lookup with value n1*n2.
Expected behavior n1.n2.n3
note shows up.
Actual Behavior: no notes show up.
Desktop (please complete the following information)
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser (if with published websites; include version): [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Versions (all that apply to bug):
- Dendron Extension: 0.91.0
- VS Code version:
- Dendron CLI: